
What is the acronym of X?

What is the acronym of X?

Acronym Definition
X 10 (Roman numeral)
X Extra
X Unknown Quantity (variable)
X Experimental (US Military aircraft designation, as in X-1)

What is correct THX or TNX?

A common modern practice is to use THX or THNX abbreviations as an expression of thanks. THX or THNX are internet abbreviations, hardly acceptable among hams. Note also that there is nothing bad if you use TNX or TKS in internet discussions, emails etc.

What is the shortcut of thank you?

Thanks Short Form

Word Abbreviations Industries/ Categories
Thanks THX, tks, thxx, tnx, tx, thnx, 10x, tnxz Texting, Slang, Internet Slang, Writing
Thanks TX Gaming, Slang, Writing
Thanks Thx Business,Social Media, Product
Thanks TNX Amateur Radio, Gaming, Slang
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What is the difference between THX and thanks?

We only abbreviate ‘thanks’ in VERY casual communication, for instance, in a phone text to a friend for something casual – example: Thx for the reminder. J. In any kind of even semi-formal communication (including email) it is more correct to write out the word ‘thanks’.

What does tnx mean?

Filters. (text messaging, Internet slang) Thanks.

What does THX mean from a girl?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Thanks
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 1: Easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

Is it rude to say thx?

It is not rude to say ‘Thanks’. But it is more casual than ‘Thank you’. ‘Thank you’ is more formal.

What is Gorabels?

“gorabels” mean leave. Syn: fly, gosung, ditch.

What does Tkx mean in text?


Acronym Definition
TKX The Knowledge eXchange (trademark of Kodak)

What does tnx mean in text?

Is thanks worse than thank you?

It all depends on the situation. But, for the most part, “Thanks” is informal, while “Thank you” is more formal and polite. Saying “Thanks” to someone sounds like you are in a rush and that you’re not as appreciative as saying “Thank you”.