
What is the best finish for a piano?

What is the best finish for a piano?

High-Gloss Finishes Polyester finishes are the most durable of all piano finishes, but their hardness and resistance to solvents make them more difficult to repair when damaged. Aside from damage repair, polyester finishes are easier to maintain than satin finishes, but still require proper care.

What kind of finish is on a piano?

Pianos are typically finished in one of two ways – high polish (high gloss) or satin finishes. High polish produces a near mirror-like quality, where as satin will reflect light but not images. You can find variations on satin finishes. Matte, which is completely flat, will reflect no light.

Why are pianos black?

So most pianos are black because it was easier / cheaper for companies to manufacture them. As a corollary to this topic, it is actually also the same reason why many harpsichord manuals have reversed key colors.

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Can a piano be refinished?

Pianos can be refinished during restoration to achieve a customized look. What many people do not realize is that they can select a variety of different finishes and custom stains for the refinishing part of the restoration process.

What is satin finish piano?

Satin finish pianos have a more matte appearance rather than the high gloss you see on many pianos. The way piano makers create a satin finish, is by first starting with a high gloss finish, then taking a super-high grit sandpaper which creates micro-abrasion “scratches” in very low amounts.

What is piano lacquer?

Piano Lacquer is a high quality nitrocellulose lacquer specially formulated to allow higher build without sacrificing clarity for piano finishing and refinishing projects. Piano Lacquer also has excellent rubbing characteristics and is provided in a ready to spray viscosity.

How do I get a high gloss finish?

The best alternative method on how to get a high gloss finish on the wood is by using a varnish or lacquer. You can easily spray lacquer but if you are using a varnish then you have a choice between both brushing and spraying. Though, you will be more comfortable with spraying as it takes less time and is an easy job.