
What is the best framework to build PWA?

What is the best framework to build PWA?

Best frameworks for your PWA development

  1. Angular. After you get through its initial steep learning curve, Angular is a great framework to work on.
  2. React. The Angular community might be big, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the React community.
  3. Vue.
  4. Preact.
  5. PWABuilder.

Can ionic be used for desktop?

1 Answer. As per the ionic documentation, the framework was initially intended for mobile, however, due to the widespread use of the framework for desktop based web applications, it does support the desktop to a certain extent with the help of native plug-ins whenever native components need to be leveraged.

Is ionic good for Web app development?

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Conclusion. It’s already epic to have one code base that can be built into a native mobile app and also be deployed to the web, but the flexibility of using some CSS and responsive items makes Ionic the perfect choice for both your next web application, PWA and mobile app!

Is ionic hybrid or PWA?

At Ionic, we are fans of both traditional mobile apps (the kind you download from the app stores and install on your device) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). And, we have the tools you need to build either, or both, types of apps.

Is Ionic only for mobile?

For Android, Ionic supports Android 4.4 and up. For iOS, Ionic supports iOS 10 and up. Ionic 2 supports the Universal Windows Platform for building Windows 10 apps. Ionic Framework, based on Angular.

Is Ionic a good framework?

Ionic is considered an easy-to-learn tool: frontend developers can quickly grasp the basics or choose between various web frameworks that Ionic supports. Of course, having expertise in native development would only be a plus, as Ionic doesn’t compile the whole app into a native language.

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Is Ionic front end or backend?

Ionic apps are backend agnostic, with connections to AWS, Azure, and Firebase.

How do you make a PWA in ionic?

  1. Add the Service Worker. Adding the service worker is as simple as running the following command in your existing Ionic 4 project: ng add @angular/pwa –project app.
  2. Creating a Production Build.
  3. Updating the Application.