
What is the best resource for learning C?

What is the best resource for learning C?

10 Best C Programming Courses for Beginners

  1. C Programming For Beginners — Master the C Language (Udemy)
  2. C Programming For Beginners (Udemy)
  3. Introduction to Programming in C Specialization (Coursera)
  4. C in 4 hours (FREE Youtube Course by FreeCodeCamp)
  5. C Programming Language Fundamentals By Kenny Kerr (Pluralsight)

How do you introduce a project based learning?

Essential Elements of Project-based Learning (PBL) – Edutopia, 2007

  1. Start with the essential question. The essential question is the problem or challenge you pose to your students to solve.
  2. Plan your project design.
  3. Provide students choices.
  4. Create a schedule.
  5. Assess the outcome.
  6. Find a wider audience.

What is project based learning strategy?

Project-based learning is a pedagogical strategy in which students produce a product related to a topic. The teacher sets the goals for the learner, and then allows the learner to explore the topic and create their project. The student is constantly making choices on how to obtain, display, or manipulate information.

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How do you engage students in Project Based Learning?

Redefining How Students Learn

  1. Engage: Students’ interest is piqued with novel ideas.
  2. Explore: Hands-on activities deepen understanding.
  3. Explain: Students describe ideas in their own words.
  4. Elaborate: Ideas are applied to a broader context.
  5. Evaluate: Students provide a rich picture of their understanding.

Which of these is an example of Project Based Learning?

Geocaching. If you’re not able to take your students off-campus to engage in some real-life “geocaching,” you can always create your own geocaching treasure hunt for them. It can incorporate all kinds of skills and knowledge: geography, math, and even essay writing.