
What is the composition of a nuclear bomb?

What is the composition of a nuclear bomb?

Most of the uranium used in current nuclear weapons is approximately 93.5 percent enriched uranium-235. Nuclear weapons typically contain 93 percent or more plutonium-239, less than 7 percent plutonium-240, and very small quantities of other plutonium isotopes.

What are the main characteristics of nuclear weapons?

In fact, nuclear weapons are relatively small, light, and inexpensive compared to the conventional explosives needed to destroy large area targets. A single nuclear warhead can destroy an entire city. Even with a small stockpile of such devices a state or subnational group will boost its importance.

What are the three types of nuclear bombs?

Types of Nuclear Bombs

  • The Atomic Bomb. The enormous amount of nuclear energy that is released by this process produces a large amount of heat and electricity.
  • Thermonuclear Weapons.
  • Dirty Bombs.
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What is the physical size of a nuclear bomb?

The W80 is physically quite small: the physics package itself is about the size of a conventional Mk. 81 250-pound (110 kg) bomb, 11.8 inches (30 cm) in diameter and 31.4 inches (80 cm) long, and only slightly heavier at about 290 pounds (130 kg).

What are the characteristics of a nuclear explosion?

Characteristics of the Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs

  • Downward thrust.
  • Mass distortion of buildings.
  • Long duration of the positive pressure pulse and consequent small effect of the negative pressure, or suction, phase.

Is there any radiation left in Hiroshima?

The radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today is on a par with the extremely low levels of background radiation (natural radioactivity) present anywhere on Earth. It has no effect on human bodies. Residual radiation was emitted later. Roughly 80\% of all residual radiation was emitted within 24 hours.