
What is the correct type of sentence have mercy on us?

What is the correct type of sentence have mercy on us?

Imperative sentence
A sentence that expresses a command or an entreaty is called an Imperative sentence. E.g: “Be quiet. ” OR “Have mercy upon us.” A sentence that expresses strong feeling is called an Exclamatory sentence.

How do you use mercy in a sentence?

Mercy sentence example

  1. I pray they will have mercy on you for your assistance.
  2. Power without mercy is dangerous, son.
  3. I have no mercy for any creature that preys on humans.
  4. You are showing your daughter mercy , Wynn said carefully.
  5. Your father showed me mercy and you showed me kindness.

What kind of sentence may God have mercy?

Answer: Exclamatory sentence. (2) May God have mercy .

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Have mercy on us all meaning?

If you have mercy on someone, you let them off the hook or are kind to them somehow. This is a quality that has to do with compassion, forgiveness, and leniency. When people say “May God have mercy on me!” they’re asking for forgiveness. Mercy may be given or received.

Have mercy upon us which mood is this?

imperative mood
Have mercy upon us. Give us this day our daily bread. In all of the sentences given above, the verb is said to be in the imperative mood.

What is the synonym of word mercy?

Some common synonyms of mercy are charity, clemency, grace, and leniency.

What is the example of mercy?

The definition of mercy is compassionate treatment, having a capacity to forgive or showing kindness. An example of mercy is giving someone a lighter punishment than they deserve.

What does it mean to say may God have mercy on your soul?

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“May God have mercy upon your soul” or “may God have mercy on your soul” is a phrase used within courts in various legal systems by judges pronouncing a sentence of death upon a person found guilty of a crime that requires a death sentence.