
What is the dark side ending Kotor?

What is the dark side ending Kotor?

If you’ve played the original, you likely remember KOTOR’s largely buttoned up canon ending: Revan saves Bastila from the dark side, defeats Darth Malak once and for all, and destroys the Star Forge. The game’s final scene is a celebration on Lehon, where Revan is awarded the Cross of Glory just as credits roll.

Did revan fall to the dark side?

Revan turned to the Dark side once he got consumed by the power he gained and realized how much he could do with it. His final push into the Dark side was once the Sith Lord they were after controlled his mind to make the transition to the Dark side.

Does Kotor have multiple endings?

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Aware that the game had two endings, but not entirely sure when the decision was that forced you to commit to the light or dark side, I played the game fairly middle of the road…

Is there a neutral ending Kotor?

Neutral powers are unaffected by your alignment. And it doesn’t matter how light or dark you played all through the game. How you deal with Bastilla on top of the Temple determines which ending you get.

What is the Kotor twist?

Knights of the Old Republic’s big twist — that the player character is actually a powerful Sith Lord named Darth Revan who had his memory erased by the Jedi — was essential to the game from the very beginning. He knew that clues needed to be placed throughout the game.

Can a female Jedi Knight romance Kira?

Following the conclusion of the Onslaught expansion, the player can re-commit their romance with Kira. Additionally, if the player is a female Jedi Knight who initially flirts with Kira, she later expresses that she has always been “a little… in love” with the player since their disappearance.

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Can you date Bastila?

Speaking to Bastila can unlock the quest for Bastila’s Mother, once the first Star Map has been acquired on Dantooine, and you can receive experience (albeit only 250 XP) for completing this. Any romance must be completed before acquiring a fourth Star Map and leaving that world.