
What is the default file extension for all Word documents answer?

What is the default file extension for all Word documents answer?

The default file extension for all Word documents is ‘. docx’.

What is the default file extension for Microsoft Word?

Common file name extensions in Windows

Extension Format
docm Microsoft Word macro-enabled document
docx Microsoft Word document
dot Microsoft Word template before Word 2007
dotx Microsoft Word template

What is the default file extension for all Word documents quizlet?

The default Word 2016 file format (or file type) is… DOCX.

What is the default file extension for a regular Word 2016 document?

docx – Word document. . docm – Word macro-enabled document; same as docx, but may contain macros and scripts.

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What is the default file extension for?

The type of file format that the current data will be saved to if no other file type is selected. For example, in a graphics program, the default file might be a JPEG or GIF. In Microsoft Word, the default file type is either a DOC or DOCX file.

What is the extension of ms word 2010?

The default file format for Word 2010 is Office Open XML (DOCX).

What are Microsoft extensions?

Microsoft Edge extensions are small software programs that integrate with Edge to make surfing the internet easier, safer, and more productive. Here’s a look at finding and installing Edge extensions to personalize and enhance your web browsing experience.

Can Microsoft Word open DOCX files?

Microsoft Word (version 2007 and above) is the primary software program used to open and edit DOCX files.

Which of the following is a quick method for selecting all the text in an entire document?

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Select text by using the keyboard

To select Do this
The entire document Press CTRL+A.
A vertical block of text Press CTRL+SHIFT+F8, and then use the arrow keys. Press ESC to turn off the selection mode.

What does set as default mean on Word?

In the computer world, the word default means, what your computer will do when you don’t tell it to do something else. When you type a document on your computer, the font selected is probably Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica or Garamond.