
What is the difference between a regular and reserve commission?

What is the difference between a regular and reserve commission?

Also, reserve officers could only serve a maximum of 20 years, while regular officers have a high rate of tenure based on rank. Those on active duty will be regular officers; those in the Reserves will be reserve officers.” All officers who entered active duty after May 1, 2005 were commissioned as regular officers.

Is West Point harder than ROTC?

Life is definitely harder at West Point. It’s a grueling, 24/7 battle against time, and you will be challenged academically, mentally, and physically. ROTC requires about 5–10 hours of commitment per week, and activities on some weekends.

What are the advantages of going to West Point?

West Point offers its cadets a fully funded education valued at over $240,000 This includes tuition, books, room and board, and medical and dental insurance. Cadets also receive a monthly stipend (between $200-$525) to pay for their other school and personal expenses.

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What is a regular commission?

Once you accept a regular commission, which is a Presidential commission, you hold that position for life unless you are removed or resign.

What is the difference between reserve officer and regular officer?

A regular Army officer actively contributes to transpiring military endeavors while a Reserve officer acts as back-up. A Reserve officer also provides input when needed — especially in times of emergency. Overall, it is difficult to tell the difference when both groups of officers are active.

Is ROTC considered active reserve?

College ROTC yes it counts as part of the Reserve. You’ll do your college and serve 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year as a Reservist. High School JROTC no it’s just a Youth Program but it can help you get into ROTC or a military academy .

Is West Point ROTC?

As part of a 4-year program, West Point Cadets become a second lieutenant upon graduating. ROTC Cadets, however, attend universities across the country. They have a more typical college experience, with occasional U.S. Army training events and classes through their ROTC program.

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When you graduate West Point What rank are you?

Second Lieutenant
Upon graduation, you will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army. You must serve a minimum of eight years after you graduate in a combination of Active Duty and Reserve Component Service.