
What is the difference between karma and reaping what you sow?

What is the difference between karma and reaping what you sow?

No. Karma assumes Reincarnation were you are punished and/or rewarded for your actions in the previous life. The Bible states “that you die once and then face the judgement.” Reaping what you sew refers to the fact that you are likely to receive the same problems that you create for other people.

Do narcissists get what they want?

Narcissists and Relationships Narcissists may do whatever it takes to get what they want. They generally don’t feel compassion and can’t connect intimately with others, even the people who are closest to them. At work, a narcissist may seek admiration, even if it hurts others.

What does reaping and sow?

To reap is “to gather a crop” and to sow, “to plant seeds.” Throughout versions of the Bible, sowing is used as a metaphor for one’s actions and reaping for the results of those actions.

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How does a narcissist react when someone infringes on their rights?

The narcissist reacts indignantly, with wrath, hatred, aggression, or even overt violence to any infringement of what he perceives to be his natural entitlement. Narcissists believe that they are so unique and that their lives are of such cosmic significance that others should defer to their needs and cater to their every whim without ado.

Why don’t narcissists take rejection and no contact well?

Because most narcissists don’t take rejection and no contact in that way. As many of you know, who’ve watched a lot of my videos, I’ve had to deal with a couple of narcissists in my own life.

How do narcissists defer to you?

Narcissists either take an inferior position and defer to you, or a superior position and presume that they’re in some ways better than you. Both the superior and inferior postures are calculated to sway you to give them what they want – such is the purpose of relationships to them.

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What are the other forms of narcissistic supply?

The other form of narcissistic supply, it can also be devaluing somebody, debasing them, degrading them, cutting them down, judging them, making them squirm. All of those things delight the narcissist in a way, because it gives them a sense of control.