
What is the difference between kwashiorkor and marasmus?

What is the difference between kwashiorkor and marasmus?

Kwashiorkor is a type of nutrition deficiency disorder, which results from a severe protein deficiency….Differences between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.

Kwashiorkor Marasmus
Weight loss
There is some weight loss. There is severe weight loss.
The thinning of muscles and limbs. The thinning of limbs.

What is a marasmus?

Marasmus is a type of protein-energy malnutrition that can affect anyone but is mainly seen in children. You can get marasmus if you have a severe deficiency of nutrients like calories, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. ‌ It is more common in developing countries, like in some areas of Asia and Africa.

What is kwashiorkor short answer?

Kwashiorkor is a severe form of malnutrition. It’s most common in some developing regions where babies and children do not get enough protein or other essential nutrients in their diet. The main sign of kwashiorkor is too much fluid in the body’s tissues, which causes swelling under the skin (oedema).

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What is kwashiorkor and its symptoms?

Kwashiorkor is a condition resulting from inadequate protein intake. Early symptoms include fatigue, irritability, and lethargy. As protein deprivation continues, one sees growth failure, loss of muscle mass, generalized swelling (edema), and decreased immunity. A large, protuberant belly is common.

What causes marasmus?

Nutrient deficiency is the main cause of marasmus. It occurs in children that don’t ingest enough protein, calories, carbohydrates, and other important nutrients. This is usually due to poverty and a scarcity of food. There are several types of malnutrition.

How do you manage marasmus and kwashiorkor?

How is kwashiorkor treated? Kwashiorkor can be corrected by eating more protein and more calories overall, especially if treatment is started early. You may first be given more calories in the form of carbohydrates, sugars, and fats. Once these calories provide energy, you will be given foods with proteins.

Who is marasmus?

Marasmus is a form of severe malnutrition. It can occur in anyone who has severe malnutrition, but it usually occurs in children. It typically occurs in developing countries. Marasmus can be life-threatening, but you can get treatment for it.

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What is MAM and SAM?

Globally, approximately 33 million children under five years of age are affected by moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), defined as a weight-for-height z-score (WHZ) between -2 and -3, and at least 19 million children under five by severe acute malnutrition (SAM), defined as a WHZ of <-3.

What is kwashiorkor Class 11?

Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition that is mainly caused by a lack of protein in the diet. People with this disorder typically have a weak looking body, and ankles, feet, and belly swell due to fluid. As every cell in your body contains protein therefore it should be an essential part of a diet.

What are the symptoms of kwashiorkor and marasmus?


Marasmus symptoms Kwashiorkor symptoms
weight loss an inability to grow or gain weight
dehydration edema, or swelling of the hands and feet
stomach shrinkage stomach bulging

What is another name for kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor, also known as “edematous malnutrition” because of its association with edema (fluid retention), is a nutritional disorder most often seen in regions experiencing famine.

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What are the prevention of kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor can be prevented by making sure you eat enough calories and protein-rich foods. Dietary guidelines from the Institute of Medicine recommend that 10 to 35 percent of adults’ daily calories come from protein.