
What is the difference between logic wire and Reg?

What is the difference between logic wire and Reg?

1 Answer. There is absolutely no difference between reg and logic in SystemVerilog except for the way they are spelled – they are keyword synonyms. logic is meant to replace reg because reg was originally intended to be short for register. Also note that logic is a data type for a signal, whereas wire is a signal type.

What do wires do in Verilog?

So in this sample code, each of the wire declarations and its corresponding assign statement are effectively merged into one wire assignment. Note the use of a block comment in the Verilog code, rather than the line comments we have seen so far. A block comment may span several lines of code.

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What is the difference between wire and logic in SystemVerilog?

Wire is verilog datatype whereas logic is SystemVerilog data type.

What is wand in Verilog?

Any verilog module has input, output and potentially some innner net connections. Wand and wor are net data types that specify how this common net will be connected. If we simply specify wire in place of wand or wor, they simple connect the net driven by two gates together.

What is a reg in Verilog?

reg is a memory element (flip-flop or latch) but for practical purpose, a verilog signal/identifier needs to be declared as “reg” when it is used on the left hand side (LHS) of the equatiion inside a behavioral verilog statement i.e. used in “initial” or “always” statement.

What is the key difference between a variable defined as a wire and as a reg or in SystemVerilog as logic?

Verilog provides data types such as reg and wire for actual hardware description. The difference between reg and wire is whether the variable is given its value by behavioral (reg) or structural (wire) Verilog code. Both reg and wire have a default width being one bit wide (scalar).

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Is SystemVerilog the same as Verilog?

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL). SystemVerilog is a combination of both Hardware Description Language (HDL) and Hardware Verification Language (HVL). Verilog is based on module level testbench. SystemVerilog is based on class level testbench.