
What is the difference between RIP and RIPng?

What is the difference between RIP and RIPng?

RIP v1 is an older, no longer much used routing protocol. RIP v2 is a classless protocol and it supports classful, variable-length subnet masking (VLSM), CIDR, and route summarization. RIPng works basically in the same manner as RIP v2 with one notable exception. RIPng can only run on IPv6 networks.

Is RIPng a dynamic routing protocol?

The RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol that is used by the appliance to automatically configure optimal routes based on messages received from other RIP-enabled on-link hosts (typically routers).

Why is RIPv2 better than RIPv1?

RIPv2 is a classless, distance vector routing protocol as defined in RFC 1723….Differences between RIPv1 and RIPv2 :

5. It does not support for VLSM and discontinuous networks. It supports for VLSM and discontinuous networks.
6. It is less secure. It is more secure.
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How do I enable RIPng?

Enabling RIPng

  1. Enable the forwarding of IPv6 traffic on the device using the ipv6 unicast-routing command.
  2. Enable IPv6 on each interface over which you plan to enable RIPng. You enable IPv6 on an interface by configuring an IPv6 address or explicitly enabling IPv6 on that interface.

What is the main disadvantages of using RIP?

The disadvantages of RIP include: Increased network traffic: RIP checks with its neighboring routers every 30 seconds, which increases network traffic. Maximum hop count: RIP has a maximum hop count of 15, which means that on large networks, other remote routers may not be able to be reached.

Should I use RIP on my router?

RIP is a dynamic routing protocol. Unless you have multiple routers you need to distribute routes to there really isn’t any reason to run it. All it will do is put extra traffic on the wire and eat up a few cpu cycles on your router. The con to using it is that it will flood your network with updates periodically.

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What multicast address does RIPng use?

RIPng uses the multicast address FF02::9, the all RIP routers multicast address, as the destination address for RIP updates. RIPng updates are sent on UDP port 521.

What is the main difference between RIP and RIPv2?

What is the main difference between RIP and RIPv2? RIP is a classful protocol, while RIPv2 is a classless protocol. You have a private network connected to the Internet. Your routers will not share routing information about your private networkwith Internet routers.