
What is the difference between smart and intelligent materials?

What is the difference between smart and intelligent materials?

For many people, there is no difference between smart and intelligent, because the words seem to be interchangeable. Intelligence, on the other hand, is something with which you are born. Your IQ is a measurement of your intelligence, and doesn’t change because it is a measure of your ability to learn.

What are different types of smart materials?


  • Piezoelectric materials.
  • Shape memory materials.
  • Chromoactive materials.
  • Magnetorheological materials.
  • Photoactive materials.

What is the difference between passive smart materials and active smart materials?

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Similarly piezoelectric materials, which convert electric energy into mechanical force, are also ‘active’. The smart materials, which are not active, are called passive smart materials. Although smart, these lack the inherent capability to transduce energy.

What do you mean by advanced materials?

Advanced Material: “Advanced Materials are materials that are specifically engineered to exhibit novel or enhanced properties that confer superior performance relative to conventional materials.

What is the difference between intelligent and intellectual?

The main difference between intelligent and intellectual is that an intelligent person is able to learn and understand things quickly and easily, whereas an intellectual person is able to think and understand things, especially complicated ideas. Both intelligence and intellectual refer to our mental abilities.

Whats the difference between smart and intelligence?

Smartness is about using the obtained knowledge and applying it to practical situations. Intelligence is about gaining knowledge easily and swiftly. Smartness cannot be measured whereas, intelligence can be measured by conducting an IQ test. Smart can be used to describe a person’s appearance, sarcasm, or wit.

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What are intelligent materials and why they are called so?

Smart materials, also called intelligent or responsive materials, are designed materials that have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, moisture, electric or magnetic fields, light, temperature, pH, or chemical compounds.

What makes smart materials Smart?

Smart materials are materials that have properties which change reversibly, ie can change easily but can then easily change back, depending on changes in their surroundings.

How can define the smart materials and smart structure?

A smart structure is a system containing multifunctional parts that can perform sensing, control, and actuation; it is a primitive analogue of a biological body. These three levels cover the general definition of smart materials and structures. …

What do you mean by smart materials Why are they superior?

Smart materials have properties that react to changes in their environment. This means that one of their properties can be changed by an external condition, such as temperature, light, pressure, electricity, voltage, pH, or chemical compounds. This change is reversible and can be repeated many times.

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What is the difference between a composite and an advanced composite?

Advanced composites are replacing metal components in many uses, particularly in the aerospace industry. Composites are classified according to their matrix phase. Advanced composite materials have broad, proven applications, in the aircraft, aerospace, and sports equipment sectors.

What is the importance of advanced materials?

Advanced materials outperform conventional materials and contain properties that are far superior, including greater toughness, hardness, durability and elasticity. They can hold novel properties, including the ability to memorise shape or sense changes in their environment and respond to these changes.