
What is the difference between statutory body and non-constitutional body?

What is the difference between statutory body and non-constitutional body?

Non-constitutional bodies in India (statutory and non-statutory bodies) Constitutional bodies are the bodies that are established through the constitutional provisions whereas the statutory bodies are bodies that are established through the statutes.

What is the difference between constitutional body and statutory body Quora?

Constitutional body is a body derives it’s source and authority directly from the Constitution itself, like Election Commission of India, Supreme Court of India, etc where as the statutory body is setup by the Parliament by passing a resolution, like SEBI, SC ST OBC Commissions, NGT etc.

What are statutory bodies in India?

List of some important Statutory Bodies

  • National Commission for Minorities.
  • Armed Forces Tribunal.
  • National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.
  • National Law Commission.
  • National Commission for Women.
  • National Human Rights Commission.
  • National Green Tribunal.
  • National Commission for Backward Classes.

Is Niti AYOG a statutory body?

In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced Planning Commission’s abolition and created NITI Aayog through an executive resolution. [1]↵It is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body..

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What is the difference between constitutional and statutory?

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land. No federal or state law may violate it. Federal laws (statutes), enacted by the United States Congress, must be followed by every state in the country. The state may then enact state statutes, which apply to everyone within the state.

What is constitutional body in India?

In India, a constitutional body is a body or institute established by the Constitution of India. They can only be created or changed by passing a constitutional amendment bill, rather than by a regular, government or private bill.

Is UPSC is a constitutional body?

UPSC is a Constitutional Body under Article 315-323 Part XIV Chapter II of the Constitution of India to discharge their duties, functions and obligations assigned under Article 320.

Is UPSC a statutory body?

Important bodies such as the Finance Commission, the UPSC, the Election Commission, the CAG, National Commissions for SCs and STc, etc. are constitutional bodies. These are non-constitutional bodies as they do not find any mention in the Constitution.

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What is the difference between statute and law?

Statute law is written laws originating from municipalities, states, or national legislatures; laws are written or unwritten guidelines or rules that are followed by communities. 2. Statutes are not cumulative; each legislative session has a separate volume. Laws are cumulative.