
What is the distinction between NP-hard & Npcomplete problem explain with two examples?

What is the distinction between NP-hard & Npcomplete problem explain with two examples?

A Problem X is NP-Hard if there is an NP-Complete problem Y, such that Y is reducible to X in polynomial time….Difference between NP-Hard and NP-Complete:

NP-hard NP-Complete
To solve this problem, it do not have to be in NP . To solve this problem, it must be both NP and NP-hard problems.

What version of a problem is used to determine if it is NP-hard?

A problem is NP-hard if an algorithm for solving it can be translated into one for solving any NP- problem (nondeterministic polynomial time) problem. NP-hard therefore means “at least as hard as any NP-problem,” although it might, in fact, be harder.

What is the difference between an undecidable problem and an intractable problem?

Undecidable problems are those for which no computer solution can ever exist, while intractable problems are those for which there is strong evidence that, although they can be solved by a computer, they cannot be solved sufficiently fast that the solution is truly useful in practice.

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What is the difference between a decidable problem and an undecidable problem?

A decision problem is decidable if there exists a decision algorithm for it. Otherwise it is undecidable. To show that a decision problem is decidable it is sufficient to give an algorithm for it.

Are NP problems tractable?

computational complexity …said to be easy, or tractable. A problem is called NP if its solution can be guessed and verified in polynomial time, and nondeterministic means that no particular rule is followed to make the guess.

When we say a problem is decidable give an example of undecidable problem?

Give an example of undecidable problem? algorithm that takes as input an instance of the problem and determines whether the answer to that instance is “yes” or “no”. (eg) of undecidable problems are (1)Halting problem of the TM.

What do you understand by undecidable problem?

In computability theory, an undecidable problem is a type of computational problem that requires a yes/no answer, but where there cannot possibly be any computer program that always gives the correct answer; that is, any possible program would sometimes give the wrong answer or run forever without giving any answer.

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What’s the difference between NP-hard and NP-complete?

A problem is said to be NP-hard if everything in NP can be transformed in polynomial time into it even though it may not be in NP. Conversely, a problem is NP-complete if it is both in NP and NP-hard. The NP-complete problems represent the hardest problems in NP.