
What is the first post of OAS?

What is the first post of OAS?

Level 1: OAS-Group A & B – Junior Branch District Election Officer, District Sub-Registrar, Administrative Officer & Dy. Director (Revenue), Land Acquisition Officer, and others in various parts of Odisha.

What are the posts in OAS?


Sl. No. Name of the Grade Vacancy Position
1 OAS Group-A(SB) 14
2 OAS(Super-time Scale) 4
3 OAS(Superior Administrative Grade) 4
4 OAS(Special Secretary) Nil

What is the salary of OAS officer in Odisha?

Sl.No. Name and Designation Gross Salary
5 Shri Sanjoy Keshari Swain, State Information Commissioner Rs. 2,21,181/-
6 Shri Narendra Kumar Mantry, OAS(SAG), Secretary Rs. 1,97,374/-
7 Trishna Biswal, OAS(I) JB, Under Secretary Rs. 87,526/-
8 Shri Manas Kumar Mishra, Registrar Rs. 33,605/-

What is the salary of OAS officer?

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What is General Administration in Odisha?

General Administration is the Nodal Department for higher Civil Services i.e. All India Services and Odisha Administrative Service (OAS Class-I and above). It deals with the entire gamut of personnel management in the Government- recruitment, training, performance evaluation, promotion, discipline, placement, service conditions and so on.

What is the present cadre strength of OAS in Karnataka?

The OAS cadre was restructured on 04.3.2014. The present cadre strength of OAS officers in state is 1416. After restructuring of OAS cadre, about 230 officers have been promoted to OAS Group-A (SB) and above grade. More than 700 officers have been promoted to OAS Group-A (SB) and above grade.

What is the grade pay of a group B officer in Odisha?

In various departments, there are vacant Group-B posts with Grade Pay ` 4600/- and vacant Group- ‘A’ posts, for fulfilment of which Odisha Public Service Commission is given responsibility. Similarly for filling of State level Group B posts, whose grade pay is ` 4200/- and Group C posts, OSSC is given the responsibility.

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What is Personnel Management Department of Odisha?

It deals with the entire gamut of personnel management in the Government- recruitment, training, performance evaluation, promotion, discipline, placement, service conditions and so on. Important institutions associated with the department include Odisha Public Service Commission (O.P.S.C), Staff Selection