
What is the formula of finding the area of a decagon?

What is the formula of finding the area of a decagon?

What is the Formula to Find the Area of a Regular Decagon? The formula to determine the value of the area of a decagon is 5a2/2 × √5+2√5 5 + 2 5 , where ‘a’ is the side length of the decagon.

What is the formula for the area of a dodecagon?

Area of a Dodecagon

  1. Dodecagon is a 12-sided polygon with 12 angles and 12 vertices.
  2. The sum of the interior angles of a dodecagon is 1800°.
  3. The area of a dodecagon is calculated with the formula: A = 3 × ( 2 + √3 ) × s2
  4. The perimeter of a dodecagon is calculated with the formula: s × 12.

How do you find the sides of a decagon?

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Dale, In the diagram below the length of AC is 5 feet, the angle ABC has measure 144/2 = 72 degrees and the angle CAB is a right angle. |AB| = 5/tan(72o) = 1.62 feet. Hence the length of a side of the decagon is 2 × 1.62 = 3.24 feet.

What is the value of decagon?

In geometry, a decagon (from the Greek δέκα déka and γωνία gonía, “ten angles”) is a ten-sided polygon or 10-gon. The total sum of the interior angles of a simple decagon is 1440°. A self-intersecting regular decagon is known as a decagram.

What is a decagon shape?

In geometry, a decagon (from the Greek δέκα déka and γωνία gonía, “ten angles”) is a ten-sided polygon or 10-gon. The total sum of the interior angles of a simple decagon is 1440°. A self-intersecting regular decagon is known as a decagram.

How do you find the side length of a regular dodecagon?

The word dodecagon comes from the Greek, dōdeka-, which means 12, and + -gōnon, which means angled. Dodecagons can be regular, meaning all interior angles and sides are equal in measure….Finding Angles and Perimeter of a Regular Dodecagon

  1. Perimeter = 12 x s.
  2. Length of one side: 17 mm.
  3. Perimeter: 12 x 17 mm = 204 mm.
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How do you find the area of a Hendecagon?

Formula. The formula to calculate the area A of a regular hendecagon with side c is: A =11c24cot(π/11).

How many dimensions does a decagon have?

Decagons are two-dimensional shapes. Two-dimensional shapes are flat and only have two dimensions: length and width. They include squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, and more. All 2D shapes can be measured by their length and width or length and height.