
What is the formula of white phosphorus?

What is the formula of white phosphorus?

White phosphorus/Formula

Which phosphorus is represented by which among the following symbols?

Density (near r.t. ) Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15.

Is phosphorus a P4 or P?

Answer: Phosphorus can form a P4 white phosphorus tetrahedron because it can form three bonds. P has a high atomic size and a low tendency for forming triple bonds. It can make a tetra-atomic P4 molecule by sharing valency electrons with three other P atoms to complete its octet.

Where is white phosphorus found?

It can be found in the water and bottom sediment of rivers and lakes near facilities that make or use it. In the air, white phosphorus reacts rapidly with oxygen to produce relatively harmless chemicals within minutes. In water, white phosphorus reacts with oxygen within hours or days.

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How did phosphorus get its symbol?

Phosphorus got its name because it glows in the dark. “Phosphorus” is from the Greek words phôs (light) and phoros (bearer), meaning “bringer of light,” and the ancient name for the planet Venus when it appears before sunrise. Its symbol is P, from phosphorus.

What element is white phosphorus?

White phosphorus (see images) contains four phosphorus atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. It has an unpleasant, garliclike odor and is extremely toxic (see hazard information table). It is unstable in air—first forming white fumes before bursting into flames.

Which among the following is white phosphorus?

The most important form of elemental phosphorus from the perspective of applications and chemical literature is white phosphorus. It consists of tetrahedral P4 molecules, in which each atom is bound to the other three atoms by a single bond.

Is white phosphorus soluble in CS2?

White Phosphorus, being non polar in nature, can’t react with water as it’s polar. White phosphorus has P4 molecules packed into a crystal. These dissolve readily in CS2.

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What is white phosphorus in chemistry?

White phosphorus is one of three allotropes of the element phosphorus. The substance known as yellow phosphorus is actually white phosphorus that contains impurities (e.g., red phosphorus) or that has darkened from exposure to light. Red phosphorus turns violet or purple when it is heated to >550 ºC.

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Is white phosphorus a metal?

Phosphorus is a non-metal that sits just below nitrogen in group 15 of the periodic table. This element exists in several forms, of which white and red are the best known. White phosphorus is definitely the more exciting of the two.