
What is The Game by Neil Strauss summary?

What is The Game by Neil Strauss summary?

A fascinating story about Neil Strauss’s journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to a pick-up artist charging people thousands of dollars for advice on picking up women. If you’re struggling romantically, there are many practical takeaways that will help you, but the book is a good story more than anything else.

Does Neil Strauss regret The Game?

He doesn’t regret writing it, he says, because it was an honest documentary of who he was then. But Strauss admits he can’t bring himself to re-read his own bestseller. “I see The Game as a late adolescence … “I don’t know, I don’t know,” says Strauss, momentarily unsure of himself.

Is the game book real?

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (also known as The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists) is a non-fiction book written by investigative reporter Neil Strauss as a chronicle of his journey and encounters in the seduction community.

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How we play the game summary?

An inspiring memoir from the CEO of DICK’s Sporting Goods that is “not only entertaining but will be of great value to any entrepreneur” (Phil Knight, New York Times bestselling author of Shoe Dog), this book shows how a trailblazing business was created by giving back to the community and by taking principled, and …

Do pickup artists work?

Both psychological research and pick-up artists concur. Although the labels change, some amount of Attraction, Comfort, and Seduction are present in courtship development. Certain techniques of various types can elicit emotions and behaviors, which make relationship development more likely.

Is the game True Neil Strauss?

Is Neil Straus married?

Ingrid De La Om. 2013
Neil Strauss/Spouse

Did Neil Strauss marry Lisa?

Style found out later from Love that Lisa had come in on an earlier flight. He was still confused as to why Lisa had stood him up. A couple days later, Neil Strauss and Lisa did get together. Lisa called Style to say she was back in town.