
What is the largest cell organelle in the cell?

What is the largest cell organelle in the cell?

Nucleus is the largest cell organelle present in plant cell.

Is the nucleus the largest organelle in a eukaryotic cell?

The nucleus is the largest organelle in a eukaryotic cell and is considered to be the cell’s control center. It contains most of the cell’s DNA, which makes up chromosomes and is encoded with the genetic instructions for making proteins.

Which is the largest cell organelle after nucleus?

The largest cellular organelle in a cell (plant or animal cell) is a nucleus.

  • In a plant cell, chloroplast (plastids) are the largest in size.
  • The plastids are the cellular organelles which manufacture and stores different chemical compounds required by the autotrophic cells.
  • So, the correct answer is ‘ Plastids’.
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    Is the nucleus the largest structure in the cell?

    The nucleus is the largest and most prominent of a cell’s organelles (Figure 3.7). The nucleus is generally considered the control center of the cell because it stores all of the genetic instructions for manufacturing proteins.

    Which is the largest cell organelle in animal?

    The nucleus
    The nucleus is the largest organelle within animal cells. The nucleus controls cell activity.

    Which is the longest cell in animals?

    nerve cell
    Neuron also known as a nerve cell is a cell that is the longest cell of animals which has the capability to get excited by electrical or chemical impulse. These cells help in communication inside the body.

    Which is the largest organelle in animal cell?

    The nucleus is the largest organelle within animal cells. The nucleus controls cell activity. It also contains the cell’s chromosomes. The chromosomes are made up of the genetic information (the DNA ) that makes you who you are.

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    Which eukaryotic organelle is the largest?

    The nucleus is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains most of the cell’s genetic information. DNA in the nucleus is organized in long linear strands that are attached to different proteins.

    Is the nucleus the second largest organelle in the cell?

    The largest organelle in a cell is the nucleus; the next largest would be the chloroplast— only found in plant cells—which is substantially larger than a mitochondrion.

    Where is the nucleus in the animal cell?

    In an animal cell, the nucleus is located in the central region of the cell. In a plant cell, the nucleus is located more on the periphery due to the large water-filled vacuole in the center of the cell.

    Which is the second largest cell organelle present in animal cell?

    The largest cell organelle is Nucleus, on a general scale. The next largest cell organelle is Chloroplast , present only in plant cells on the other hand Mitochondria is the second largest in animal cells.