
What is the main problem with pests?

What is the main problem with pests?

Pest insects can have adverse and damaging impacts on agricultural production and market access, the natural environment, and our lifestyle. Pest insects may cause problems by damaging crops and food production, parasitising livestock, or being a nuisance and health hazard to humans.

What are the risks of poor pest control?

What is dangerous about this job? Chemicals (pesticides) used by Pest Exterminators are usually toxic to man. They may cause acute or chronic poisoning, burns, skin, eyes, throat and other disorders, and be harmful in other ways. Some pesticides are flammable, and their careless handling and storage may cause fires.

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What is the most important reason for pest control?

Pest control is necessary because rodents and insects carry diseases, infest your kitchens and bedrooms, and bite you or your pets. The purpose of removing any kind of pest from your home, garage, or yard is to keep you safe and healthy. For example, rodents can leave feces on or near food they find in your kitchen.

What are the most annoying pests?

Ten of the Most Annoying Insects

  • Wasps. Always the uninvited visitor at picnics and barbeques, wasps are incredibly annoying scavengers.
  • Mosquitos. They’re as relentless as they are dangerous.
  • Fleas.
  • Spiders.
  • Moths.
  • Bed Bugs.
  • Gnats.
  • House Flies.

Are all pest damaging?

Less than 0.5 percentage of the total number of the known insect species are considered pests, and only a few of these can be a serious menace to people. Insect pests inflict damage to humans, farm animals and crops. Insect pests have been defined by Williams (1947) as any insect in the wrong place.

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Is pest control harmful to humans?

The exposure to pesticides may result in irritation to eye, nose, and throat; damage to central nervous system and kidney; and increased risk of cancer. Symptoms due to pesticides exposure may include headache, dizziness, muscular weakness, and nausea.

Is pest control safe for humans?

What is the importance of controlling pest in a certain workplace?

Pest control provides protection from harmful insects that can cause public health issues and costly damages to property.