
What is the maximum data rate of a channel with a bandwidth of 300 kHz if we use four levels of digital signaling?

What is the maximum data rate of a channel with a bandwidth of 300 kHz if we use four levels of digital signaling?

The maximum data rate can be calculated as Nmax= 2 × B × nb= 2 × 200000 × log24 = 8 × 108bps = 800 Kbps. PLS MARK ME AS BRAINLIEST!!

What is maximum data rate of channel?

the channel can never transmit much more than 13 Mbps, no matter how many or how few signal levels are used and no matter how often or how infrequently sam- ples are taken. In practice, ADSL is specified up to 12 Mbps, though users often see lower rates.

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What is SNR data communication?

SNR is defined as the ratio of signal power to the noise power, often expressed in decibels. A ratio higher than 1:1 (greater than 0 dB) indicates more signal than noise. SNR, bandwidth, and channel capacity of a communication channel are connected by the Shannon–Hartley theorem.

How do you calculate SNR in data compression?

High signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) SNR refers to the ratio between the power of the desired output signal and the background noise, which is described as SNR dB = 2 log 10 V signal V noise , where Vsignal and Vnoise are the measured signal voltage and noise voltage, respectively.

What is the relationship between SNR and bandwidth of a signal?

Bandwidth is a fixed quantity, so it cannot be changed. Hence, the channel capacity is directly proportional to the power of the signal, as SNR = (Power of signal) / (power of noise).

What is the SNR of a telephone line?

Input1 : A telephone line normally has a bandwidth of 3000 Hz (300 to 3300 Hz) assigned for data communication. The SNR is usually 3162. What will be the capacity for this channel?

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What is the theoretical channel capacity of the SNR 36?

Assume that SNR (dB) is 36 and the channel bandwidth is 2 MHz. Calculate the theoretical channel capacity. Hence, C = 2 * 10 6 * log 2 (3982) = 24 MHz

What is the relationship between signal levels and data rate?

Hence, the data rate is directly proportional to the number of signal levels. Note – Increasing the levels of a signal may reduce the reliability of the system. Input1 : Consider a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of 3000 Hz transmitting a signal with two signal levels.