
What is the maximum memory size of a microprocessor with a 16 bit address bus?

What is the maximum memory size of a microprocessor with a 16 bit address bus?

64 KB
A 16-bit integer can store 216 (or 65,536) distinct values. In an unsigned representation, these values are the integers between 0 and 65,535; using two’s complement, possible values range from −32,768 to 32,767. Hence, a processor with 16-bit memory addresses can directly access 64 KB of byte-addressable memory.

What is the maximum memory that can be accessed by 16 address lines?

Since each line can reference 2 address locations and you have 16 lines then it is 2^16 or 65536 bytes of memory assuming a 8-bit-per-byte data bus.

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What is the maximum size of memory addressed by an 8-bit address bus in a microcontroller?

As a microcontroller with 8-bit data address, it can have at most 256 addresses. Half of the space (the high part) is used for special function registers (SFR), limiting the real RAM addressable to only 128 bytes.

What is a 16 bit microprocessor?

The 16 bit Microprocessor means that it has 16 address lines. A 16 bit microprocessor is having 16bit register set. It have 16 address and data lines to transfer address and data both. Hence it is 16 address lines. The maximum addresses are 2^16 means 65536.

How many address locations can a 16 bit microprocessor with 8 bit data bus address?

There are 16 bits gling out to the memory so it can choose 64ki locations. Then, each location contains 8 bits. The word size here may or may not match the CPU computation unit size, and this may or may not match the logical granularity in addressing.

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How many words a 16 * 8 memory can store?

On the other hand, if we assume word addressing with a 16 bit word, then 8 bit addresses will address 256 words which is 512 bytes. The base answer is the 2^number of bits.

What does 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit microprocessor mean?

The main difference between 8 bit and 16 bit microcontrollers is the width of the data pipe. As you may have already deduced, an 8 bit microcontroller has an 8 bit data pipe while a 16 bit microcontroller has a 16 bit data pipe. A 16 bit number gives you a lot more precision than 8 bit numbers.

What is 8 bit and 16-bit microprocessor?

8 bit microcontrollers can only use 8 bits, resulting in a final range of 0x00 – 0xFF (0-255) every cycle. In contrast, 16 bit microcontrollers, with its 16 bit data width, has a range of 0x0000 – 0xFFFF (0-65535) for every cycle.