
What is the maximum PowerPoint slide size?

What is the maximum PowerPoint slide size?

56 inches x 56 inches
The maximum slide size in PowerPoint is 56 inches x 56 inches. PowerPoint 2016 slides are, by default, 13.333 inches wide by 7.5 inches high. The standard size for PRINT academic posters is 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall.

How do you increase the size of the PPT slide?

To change the slide size:

  1. Select the Design tab of the toolbar ribbon.
  2. Select Slide Size near the far right end of the toolbar.
  3. Select Standard (4:3 aspect ratio) or Widescreen (16:9) or Custom Slide Size.

How do I resize a PowerPoint without resizing?

Unfortunately there is no way to do that. You can make a copy of your presentation, change the dimensions, then copy the distorted stuff from the original ppt in your copy.

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Can I reduce the size of a PowerPoint file?

The most common strategy to reduce the size of a PowerPoint file is to compress pictures, video and audio. However, you can also use other methods to make files smaller including saving media and PowerPoint files in other formats and converting or removing embedded objects.

How do I change the slide size in PowerPoint?

Right-click on the slide number placeholder to change the font size:

  1. On the Slide Master slide, right-click on the slide number placeholder. This displays the Font toolbar, as well as other options for this placeholder.
  2. Select the Font Size dropdown arrow and choose a larger size font for the slide number.

Why does my PowerPoint look stretched?

Right click on an image and select Size and Position. From this dialog, click in the Height box. Now, just click up once and down once. As long as the Lock Aspect Ratio checkbox is checked, just changing the scale by 1 step and then switching back will fix your image.

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How do I make PowerPoint slides fit the screen?

Open the “Design” tab on the ribbon menu and choose “Slide Size.” Select the aspect ratio that matches the screen you’re showing the presentation on. If the primary display doesn’t match 4:3 or 16:9, select “Custom Slide Size” to configure the aspect ratio manually (see the Tips section for details).

How do I convert PowerPoint to widescreen without stretching?

How can I reduce PPT file size?

10 Strategies to Compress or Reduce the Size of Large PowerPoint Presentations

  1. Compress pictures.
  2. Insert pictures instead of copying and pasting.
  3. Use smaller image files.
  4. Convert images to a different file type.
  5. Save a copy of images with artistic effects.
  6. Compress audio and video.
  7. Link to audio or video files.