
What is the meaning of bUth?

What is the meaning of bUth?

/būtha/ mn. booth countable noun. A booth is a small area separated from a larger public area by screens or thin walls where, for example, you can make a telephone call. /butha, bUtha, bootha, būth, buth, bUth, booth/

What is the meaning of Tawaqqo?

Urdu word “tawaqqo” (توقع) — an Arabic origin word — means expectation. It is used both as noun and verb. It is different from Urdu word umeed (امید) the same way English word hope is different from expectation. Hope has more positive connotations and expectation is used for both positive and negitive anticipation.

What is the meaning of car boot?

British. : a sale in which people gather to sell items that they bring to the sale in their cars.

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What is Tilawat?

Origin:an Arabic word meaning ‘sacred reading’ or ‘reading continuously’; Eg:My grand father believes that ’tilawat’ alone bestows upon peace ! …

What is a boot in the UK?

The part of the car used to hold items you won’t need access to without stopping the vehicle is called the boot in the UK, and the trunk in the US. Keeping these boots and other things in the receptacle mean it was named the boot locker – and, in time, simply the boot.

Does boot mean trunk?

In British English, the boot of a car is the covered space, usually at the back, where you put things such as luggage or shopping. In American English, this part of a car is called the trunk.

What is the meaning of Mustaqbil in Urdu?

mustaqbil. मुस्तक़बिलمستقبل future, the future tense.

What is the meaning of Mani in Urdu?

The Urdu Word مانی Meaning in English is Mani. The other similar words are Mani. The synonyms of Mani include are Earth, Goober, Groundnut and Seed.

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What is Tarteel Quran?

Tarteel (Arabic: ترتيل‎) is the Arabic word for hymnody. The term is commonly translated in reference to the Qur’an as recitation, “in proper order” and “with no haste.” “and recite the Qur’an in slow measured rhythmic tones.”

What is Hafs Quran?

Hafs and warsh are not a version but rather the dialects and recitations of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and Hafs being the original Quraishi dialect of in which the Quran was revealed for the first time to Prophet pbuh so this is the one being used 95 \% throughout the Muslim world and there are no doubts in it as its the top …