
What is the meaning of link rel StyleSheet?

What is the meaning of link rel StyleSheet?

The REL attribute is used to define the relationship between the linked file and the HTML document. REL=StyleSheet specifies a persistent or preferred style while REL=”Alternate StyleSheet” defines an alternate style. The combination of REL=StyleSheet and a TITLE attribute specifies a preferred style.

What is the use of StyleSheet in website design?

Use a style sheet. A style sheet is a file which tells a browser how to render a page. There are even aural style sheets [coming up -1997] for telling a speech browser how to pronounce different tags. A current recommendation for style sheets is the “Cascading Style Sheets” (CSS) language.

How do you add a link to a rel StyleSheet?

How to specify an external link

  1. Define the style sheet.
  2. Create a link element in the HTML page’s head area to define the link between the HTML and CSS pages.
  3. Set the link’s relationship by setting the rel = “stylesheet” attribute.
  4. Specify the type of style by setting type = “text/css”.
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How do I link HTML CSS to brackets?

You can link this external file (. css file) to your HTML document file using the < link > tag . You can place this < link > tag Within the < head > section, and after the < title > element of your HTML file.

What is link rel HREF in HTML?

The HTML rel attribute is used to specify the relationship between the current and the linked document. It is used only when href attribute present. Syntax: Attribute Values.

What does link rel mean in WordPress?

“rel” is a HTML link attribute that defines the relationship between the current document (the page you are linking from) and the linked document (the page you are linking to). While rel has various usages in a link, one of the important values that it can define is “nofollow”.

What do you mean by stylesheet?

A style sheet is a file or form that is used in word processing and desktop publishing to define the layout style of a document. A style sheet contains the specifications of a document’s layout, such as the page size, margins, fonts and font sizes.

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Why is stylesheet used?

Style sheets make it easy to specify the amount of white space between text lines, the amount lines are indented, the colors used for the text and the backgrounds, the font size and style, and a host of other details. Placing style sheets in separate files makes them easy to reuse.

Do hyperlinks apply to text only?

No,Hyperlink can be applied to text as well as images,vedios,numbers or any other HTML property. No you can apply it anywhere.

What are CSS brackets?

Attribute selectors are used to target elements based on the presence of and/or the value of HTML attributes associated with the element. These selectors are denoted with square brackets.