
What is the meaning of oxy hydrogen flame?

What is the meaning of oxy hydrogen flame?

noun. a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen used to provide an intense flame for welding. (as modifier)an oxyhydrogen blowpipe.

Why is oxy hydrogen torch used in welding?

Atomic hydrogen atoms are produced by the dissociation of dihydrogen with the help of an electric arc. Hence, atomic hydrogen or oxy-hydrogen torches are used for these purposes. For this reason, atomic hydrogen is allowed to recombine on the surface to be welded to generate the desired temperature.

What happens when hydrogen and oxygen burn?

In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen (H2) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form water (H2O) and releases energy. If carried out in atmospheric air instead of pure oxygen, as is usually the case, hydrogen combustion may yield small amounts of nitrogen oxides, along with the water vapor.

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What is hydrogen and oxygen together?

When molecular hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) are combined and allowed to react together, energy is released and the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen can combine to form either water or hydrogen peroxide. These two processes are represented by the two chemical equations shown at right.

How does atomic hydrogen torch function for cutting and welding purposes?

Explain. Atomic hydrogen can be prepared by dissociation of a bond of dihydrogen with the help of an electric arc. This release a huge amount of energy around 135 kJ/mol and this energy can be used to generate a high temperature of 4000K, which is desirable for welding and cutting of metals.

How does the atomic hydrogen or any hydrogen torch function for cutting and welding purposes explain?

This energy can be used to generate a temperature of 4000 K, which is ideal for welding and cutting metals. Hence, atomic hydrogen or oxy-hydrogen torches are used for these purposes. For this reason, atomic hydrogen is allowed to recombine on the surface to be welded to generate the desired temperature.

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How hot does a hydrogen torch burn?

It is flammable. A flame temperature in hydrogen combustion in air attains 1700 °C, and in oxygen 2400 °C. When mixed with air, hydrogen forms an explosive mixture (an explosive gas). Its ignition temperature is 560 °C whereas its explosion range is from 4 to 75 vol.

How hot is a hydrogen flame?

Flame Temperatures

Fuel Flame Temperature
hydrogen 2,660 °C (oxygen), 2,045 °C (air)
MAPP 2,980 °C (oxygen)
methane 2,810 °C (oxygen), 1,957 °C (air)
natural gas 2,770 °C (oxygen)

Do we still use oxy-hydrogen flame in everyday life?

Currently we still use Oxy-hydrogen when we need a flame devoid of contaminants like the carbon emitted from the combustion of ordinary hydrocarbon fuels. Forming laboratory glass, polishing plexi-glass, and melting precious metals are common uses of Oxy-hydrogen flames today. So if you need a really clean flame,…

What are oxy-hydrogen fuels?

The use of Oxy-hydrogen fuels is not new to our industry. In the past Hydrogen was the fuel of choice for things like underwater cutting and special welding applications like welding aluminum or lead.

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What is an oxyhydrogen torch used for?

An oxyhydrogen torch is an oxy-gas torch which burns hydrogen (fuel) with oxygen (oxidizer). It is used for cutting and welding metal, glass and thermoplastics. Was this answer helpful?

What is oxyhydrogen gas welding machine?

Oxyhydrogen gas welding machine’ fuel comes from water and there is water vapor after combustion. 3)Welding features.