
What is the meaning of please enter a valid permanent address without special characters?

What is the meaning of please enter a valid permanent address without special characters?

This means that the system does not want you to enter any non-alpha numerics – such as commas, colons, hash(pound) signs or forward slashes that may be used in some address forms.

What is a valid permanent address?

Permanent address is the legal address of an individual where she/he is a registered resident with his/her name. Permanent address appears in government documents like voter id card, ration card, driving license, and passport. Many people, who stay away from home, use their parents’ house as their permanent address.

How to apply for Indian Navy admit card?

Call up letters cum Admit Card for online examination indicating date, time and place, would be required to be downloaded from the official website . Only Electronic mode of communication will be used while contacting the candidates at all stages of selection.

What is the procedure for recruitment in Indian Navy?

Recruitment into the Navy is carried out on the basis of All India Merit. The number of uniformed personnel recruited/inducted depends on the number of eligible applicants (men and women) who are able to qualify in the written test, Services Selection Board interview and medical examination and their relative position in the Merit.

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Is there any written examination for permanent commission in the Navy?

For all other Permanent Commission entries and Short Service Commission entries there is no written examination. Applicants are short-listed as per criteria laid down by the Naval Headquarters, (Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment). Selection is through merit alone.

Is it all work and no play in the Indian Navy?

Its not all work and no play in the Navy. The Navy has a dedicated organisation to give opportunities to its personnel for participation in all kinds of adventure activities (Para Sailing, Mountaineering, Scuba Diving, Hang Gliding, Skiing, water sports etc) and all kinds of sports activities.