
What is the minimum investment in Marcellus?

What is the minimum investment in Marcellus?

What is the minimum investment size to open a PMS account with Marcellus? The minimum ticket size applicable at the time of opening a new account, is the same as regulatory minimum of Rs. 50 lakhs.

Which funds are suitable for small investors?

List of Small Cap Mutual Funds in India

Fund Name Category Fund Size(in Cr)
Axis Small Cap Fund Equity ₹7,695
Kotak Small Cap Fund Equity ₹6,509
Tata Small Cap Fund Equity ₹1,765
Nippon India Small Cap Fund Equity ₹17,555

What are Marcellus stocks?

Overview. Marcellus’ Consistent Compounders PMS invests in a concentrated portfolio of heavily moated companies that can drive healthy earnings growth over long periods of time. Portfolio construction involves a two-stage process: A filter-based approach to create an investible universe of 25-30 stocks.

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What are the stocks in Marcellus Little Champs portfolio?

Marcellus Little champs

S.No. Name Qtr Sales Var \%
1. KSE 22.34
2. Tips Industries 482.57
3. Ajanta Soya 54.51
4. Black Box 10.46

How much do portfolio managers charge in India?

For an investor who has invested ₹50 lakh in a PMS, the portfolio management fee (PM fee) would be at least ₹50,000 per annum, a sizeable amount in comparison with the return on the portfolio.

Which is better small cap or large cap?

Large caps tend to be more mature companies, and so are less volatile during rough markets as investors fly to quality and become more risk-averse. Shares of small caps and midcaps may be more affordable for investors than large caps, but smaller stocks also tend to have greater price volatility.

What are coffee can stocks?

What is Coffee Can Investing? Coffee Can Investing approach refers to “buy and forget” to investing in shares of companies which have performed well consistently. They identify a diversified portfolio of consistently performing companies, invest in their stocks and keep invested for at least 10 years.

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How many stocks are picked in Iifl multicap PMS?

IIFL Multicap portfolio is made up of 15-20 stocks from 2-5 high conviction sectors.