
What is the momentum of a photon whose energy is equal to the rest mass energy of the electron?

What is the momentum of a photon whose energy is equal to the rest mass energy of the electron?

2. 7×10−22kgms−1.

How much energy must a photon have if it is to have the momentum of a 10 mega electron volt proton?

The total energy of the 10MeV proton would be 948.28MeV because the proton rest energy is 938.28MeV.

What is the energy equivalent of the rest mass of a proton?

Recommended Values of Physical Constants and Conversion Factors

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Quantity Value
rest mass of neutron (mn) 1.008664904(14) amu
energy equivalence of rest mass of electron 0.5109906(15) MeV
energy equivalence of rest mass of proton 938.27231(28) MeV
energy equivalence of rest mass of neutron 939.56563(28) MeV

Can a photon and electron of same momentum have same wavelength?

If a photon and an electron have the same momentum, they WILL have the same wavelength, as they are both quantum objects. The momentum-wavelength relationship is given by the de-Broglie law.

How do you find the energy of a scattered photon?

Here the photon’s energy Ef is the same as that of a light quantum of frequency f, which we introduced to explain the photoelectric effect: Ef=hf=hcλ. Therefore, a photon can be equivalently characterized by either its energy and wavelength, or its frequency and momentum.

What is the momentum of photon having energy?

Section Summary. Photons have momentum, given by p=hλ p = h λ , where λ is the photon wavelength. Photon energy and momentum are related by p=Ec p = E c , where E=hf=hcλ E = h f = h c λ for a photon.

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What is the energy of photon of wavelength 5000 Angstrom?

oA. is approximately 2.5eV.

What is dynamic mass of photon?

The dynamic mass of photons called Graviton striking your body from Earth C.G. is known as weight force. If your body mass is 50 kg, then your dynamic weight force on Earth surface imparted by Earth Graviton is 50 x 9.8 = 490 Newton.