
What is the most common language spoken in Papua New Guinea?

What is the most common language spoken in Papua New Guinea?

Tok Pisin
EnglishHiri Motu
Papua New Guinea/Official languages

How many people speak Hiri Motu PNG?

Hiri Motu
Region Papua New Guinea
Native speakers (Very few cited 1992) 120,000 L2 speakers (1989)
Language family Austronesian Malayo-Polynesian Oceanic Western Oceanic Papuan Tip Central Sinagoro–Keapar Motu Hiri Motu
Writing system Latin script

Why is Tok Pisin important?

Today, Tok Pisin, as the most important language of Melanesia, is used in a wide range of private and public functions in Papua New Guinea. It is spoken by up to 3-4 million people as a second language and by about 120,000 people as a native language in a highly multilingual society.

Where is Tok Pisin spoken?

Papua New Guinea
Tok Pisin, pidgin spoken in Papua New Guinea, hence its identification in some earlier works as New Guinea Pidgin. It was also once called Neo-Melanesian, apparently according to the hypothesis that all English-based Melanesian pidgins developed from the same proto-pidgin.

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Why does Papua New Guinea speak English?

English is the first. Tok Pisin, a creole, is the second; Hiri Motu, a simplified version of Motu, an Austronesian language, is the third. In part, so many of these languages have survived thanks to Papua New Guinea’s wild topography. Mountains, jungles and swamps keep villagers isolated, preserving their languages.

How do you say thank you in Tok Pisin?

A collection of useful phrases in Tok Pisin, an English-based Croele language spoken in Papua New Guinea….Useful phrases in Tok Pisin.

English Tok Pisin
Sorry Mi sori Mi sori tumas
Please Plis
Thank you Tenkyu Tenkyu tru Tenkyu tumas
Reply to thank you Nogat samting Maski

Do they speak French in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea has three official languages: English, Hiri Motu, and Tok Pisin. The latter two are somewhat based on English: Tok Pisin is a Creole language evolved from English and spoken by only 120,000 people as a first language but it is well understood by more than 50\% of the population in Papua New Guinea.

When did Tok Pisin become an official language?

When Papua New Guinea (PNG) was born in 1975, Tok Pisin was recognized in the constitution as an important language of the new country. In recent years, especially in urban areas of PNG like Port Moresby and Lae, people have been marrying outside their traditional language groups.

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Is Tok Pisin a variety of English?

Tok Pisin (English: /tɒk ˈpɪsɪn/, Tok Pisin /ˌtok piˈsin/), often referred to by English speakers as “New Guinea Pidgin” or simply “Pidgin”, is a creole language spoken throughout Papua New Guinea….

Tok Pisin
Linguasphere 52-ABB-cc

What is Papua New Guinea’s most valuable export?

The 5 biggest exported goods from Papua New Guinea are petroleum gases, gold, copper ores and concentrates, rough wood, crude oil and palm oil. Given Papua New Guinea’s population of 8.78 million people, its total $9.93 billion in exports translates to roughly $1,100 for every resident in the island country.

What does Pela mean in Tok Pisin?

Adjectives usually take the suffix -pela (now often pronounced -pla, though more so for pronouns, and -pela for adjectives; from “fellow”) when modifying nouns; an exception is liklik “little”. It is also found on numerals and determiners: Tok Pisin: “wanpela” → English: “one” Tok Pisin: “tupela” → English: “two”

Is Tok Pisin a language of New Guinea?

The flourishing of the mainly English-based Tok Pisin in German New Guinea (despite the language of the metropolitan power being German) is to be contrasted with Hiri Motu, the lingua franca of Papua, which was derived not from English but from Motu, the vernacular of the indigenous people of the Port Moresby area.

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What is the official language of Papua New Guinea?

A Tok Pisin speaker, recorded in Taiwan. Tok Pisin (English: / tɒk ˈpɪsɪn /, Tok Pisin /ˌtok piˈsin/), often referred to by English speakers as ” New Guinea Pidgin ” or simply “Pidgin”, is a creole language spoken throughout Papua New Guinea. It is an official language of Papua New Guinea and the most widely used language in the country.

Is Tok Pisin the official language of Japan?

The constitution recognizes Tok Pisin as one of the national languages of the country. Although English is more widely used for government business, much of the debate in Parliament is in Tok Pisin.

What is Toktok Pisin?

Tok Pisin, literally ‘pidgin language’, is one of three official languages of Papua New Guinea, and in a country where more than 800 languages are spoken has become the most widely spoken language in the country. It is spoken and understood by an estimated three quarters of the country.