
What is the name of this compound NiS?

What is the name of this compound NiS?

Nickel sulfide
Nickel sulfide

PubChem CID 28094
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula NiS
Synonyms Nickel sulfide Nickel(II) sulfide sulfanylidenenickel Nickel sulphide 16812-54-7 More…
Molecular Weight 90.76

What is the cation and anion of NiS?

Nickel sulfide (Ni7S6) Nickel sulfide (NiS) nickel(+2) cation sulfide.

What is the chemical formula of nickel II sulfide?

Nickel sulfide/Formula

Is NiS covalent or ionic?

The bonding in NiS is found to be quite similar to that in NiO, having an ionic contribution arising from the donation of the Ni 4s electron to the S atom and a covalent component arising from bonds between the Ni 3d and the S 3p.

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Is nickel a sulfite?

Nickel sulfite, i.e. NiS03. 6H20, is claImed to be nearly insoluble in water (3,4), readily soluble in sulfurous acid (3,4) and In other acids, with decomposition. Numerical data on the solubility of nickel sulfite were given by Margulis et a1.

Is NiS soluble?

About Nickel Sulfide NiS Nickel Sulfide is a moderately water and acid soluble Nickel source for uses compatible with sulfates.

Is NiS a gas?

Nickel sulfide is an inorganic compound with the formula NiS. It is a black solid that is produced by treating nickel(II) salts with hydrogen sulfide….Nickel sulfide.

Odor Odorless
Density 5.87 g/cm3
Melting point 797 °C (1,467 °F; 1,070 K)
Boiling point 1,388 °C (2,530 °F; 1,661 K)

What type of compound is NiO?

Nickel oxide
Nickel oxide (Ni3O4)

PubChem CID 179931
Molecular Formula NiO
Synonyms Nickel oxide (Ni3O4) DTXSID7025710 12137-09-6 Nickel(III) Oxide Nanoparticle Dispersion Nickel(III) Oxide Nanoparticles / Nanopowder
Molecular Weight 74.693
Component Compounds CID 190217 (Oxide) CID 935 (Nickel)
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Is NiO solid liquid or gas?

Nickel(II) oxide

Molar mass 74.6928 g/mol
Appearance green crystalline solid
Density 6.67 g/cm3
Melting point 1,955 °C (3,551 °F; 2,228 K)

What is a Type 1 compound?

Type 1 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation has only one form, or charge. Type 2 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation can have multiple forms. Additionally, binary ionic compounds containing polyatomic ions have another distinct set of naming rules.