
What is the new things in angular?

What is the new things in angular?

Angular 12.1 update adds compiler support for shorthand property declarations and fixes for the compiler, compiler CLI, router, and service workers. Angular 12, the latest production release of Google’s popular TypeScript-based web framework, has received an update.

What is the latest angular 8 version?

Version 8. Angular 8 was released on May 28, 2019. Featuring Differential loading for all application code, Dynamic imports for lazy routes, Web workers, TypeScript 3.4 support, and Angular Ivy as an opt-in preview.

What are the advantages of angular 8?

Advantages of Angular 8.0 IVY

  • Enhanced payload size.
  • Smaller builds.
  • Shipment of pre-compiled code.
  • Improved backwards compatibility.
  • Quick re-build time.
  • No requirement of metadata.json.
  • Advent of meta programming in Angular.
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What are new in Angular 12?

What are the new features of angular 12?

  • Ivy Everywhere. Angular 12 is the step in the Angular revolution.
  • Migrating from legacy i18n message IDs.
  • Adios Protractor.
  • Deprecating support for IE11.
  • Nullish Coalescing.
  • Improvements around Styles.

What is Ivy compiler?

Ivy Compiler is the latest compiler for Angular application released by Angular Team. Currently, Angular is using View Engine compiler to compile Angular application. In general, Angular compiler has two options to compile an application.

What is the latest version of TypeScript?


Designed by Microsoft
Developer Microsoft
First appeared 1 October 2012
Stable release 4.5.2 / 17 November 2021
Influenced by

How use NG add?

Add package name or library name followed by ng add command as shown below….ng add command Options.

Option Description
registry=”registryname” The node NPM registry name to be used while adding external packages.
help=true or false or json or JSON Shows help information related to ng add command. Default value is false