
What is the plural of Ma and sir?

What is the plural of Ma and sir?

Originally Answered: What are the plurals of “sir” and “ma’am”? The plural of sir is sirs, as in I beseech you, my good sirs. Ma’am is short for madam. When used as a polite form of address, the plural of madam is mesdames.

What is the plural form of mam?

Answer. The plural form of mam is mams. Find more words! Another word for.

What’s the meaning of sirs?

Full Definition of sir 1a : a man entitled to be addressed as sir —used as a title before the given name of a knight or baronet and formerly sometimes before the given name of a priest. b : a man of rank or position. 2a —used as a usually respectful form of address.

Is it correct to say Ma AMS?

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A: The word “ma’am,” according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.), is an abbreviated form of “madam.” Although “ma’ams” is occasionally seen or heard, none of the dictionaries I consult the most consider the plural standard English.

Is Sir capitalized or not?

Always capitalize polite forms of address like sir and ma’am (or madam) in a salutation at the start of an email or letter. Also capitalize honorifics like sir and dame and titles like madam and miss when they appear right before a name or another title.

What is the plural word for Sir?

The plural of the title or description ‘sir’, which is possibly a modification of ‘sire’, or monsieur is ‘sirs’. The plural of monsieur is messieurs – or ‘messrs’ in its abbreviated form. The mode of address ’Madam’ is a contraction of madame (ma dame), the plural of which is therefore ’mesdames‘ (mes dames).

What is the etymology of the word Sir?

The word “sir,” which is a respectful term used to address a man, derives from the word “sire.” When written with a capital “S,” it is used as the distinctive title of a knight or baronet. The word “sire” is now considered archaic.

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What is the plural form of “Prince”?

The plural form of prince is princes . Find more words! Their princes, or khans, made capital and court at Karabalghasun on the River Orkhon in present-day Mongolia . And behind his eyes are towers and jewels and djinn, carpets and rings and wild afreets, kings and princes and cities of brass.