
What is the Pokemon weakness chart?

What is the Pokémon weakness chart?

Pokémon strengths and weaknesses

Psychic Fighting, Poison Bug, Dark, Ghost
Rock Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Steel Fairy, Ice, Rock Fighting, Fire, Ground

Which Pokémon types beat Which?

Pokemon Go Type Chart: Strengths, Effectiveness, Weaknesses and Resistances explained

Type Strong Vs Weak Vs
Normal Rock, Steel, Ghost
Fighting Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark Flying, Poison, Bug, Psychic, Ghost (Immune)
Flying Fighting, Bug, Grass, Fairy Rock, Steel, Electric
Poison Grass, Fairy Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost

What is the most common Pokémon weakness?

Pokemon: The Types With the Most Weaknesses

  1. 1 Grass. Poor Grass-type.
  2. 2 Rock. “Rock is such a defensive type,” many might say.
  3. 3 Ice. Often considered the worst type defensively, Ice surprisingly doesn’t take the top spot on this list.
  4. 4 Fighting.
  5. 5 Flying.
  6. 6 Ground.
  7. 7 Bug.
  8. 8 Fire.
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What Pokemon type has the least Pokemon?

Ice type
Ice type is technically the rarest type in the Pokemon series. Of the 898 Pokemon, just 51 are ice type. That said, the type most common among legendary and mythical Pokemon is psychic.

Is there a Pokémon without weakness?

The Eelektross line (Tynamo, Eelektrik, and Eelektross) all lack any weaknesses. The reason for this is that they are pure Electric-type Pokémon that can only possess the Levitate ability. Levitate makes the user immune to Ground-type moves, which is the primary opponent to Electric-type users.

Which Pokémon type is the weakest?

Bug Is The Weakest Type of Pokemon In Any Generation

  1. They scale poorly and their final evolutions are weak.
  2. Bug-type moves don’t pack a punch.
  3. If you catch a Bug Pokemon in the wild, it may not get any damage-dealing moves.
  4. Pure Bug type Pokemon are so weak that they need secondary types.

Which Pokemon has least weaknesses?

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1 Eelektross Has No Weaknesses Eelektrik and its evolved form Eelektross are the only Pokémon with absolutely no weaknesses. Electric Pokémon only have a single weakness to Ground moves, but since Eelektross has the ability Levitate, all Ground type moves have no effect.


What is the Pokemon weakness chart?

What is the Pokemon weakness chart?

Pokémon strengths and weaknesses

Psychic Fighting, Poison Bug, Dark, Ghost
Rock Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Steel Fairy, Ice, Rock Fighting, Fire, Ground

What is the weakest typing in Pokemon?

Bug Is The Weakest Type of Pokemon In Any Generation

  1. They scale poorly and their final evolutions are weak.
  2. Bug-type moves don’t pack a punch.
  3. If you catch a Bug Pokemon in the wild, it may not get any damage-dealing moves.
  4. Pure Bug type Pokemon are so weak that they need secondary types.

What Pokemon beats what?

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Pokemon Go Type Chart: Strengths, Effectiveness, Weaknesses and Resistances explained

Type Strong Vs Weak Vs
Normal Rock, Steel, Ghost
Fighting Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark Flying, Poison, Bug, Psychic, Ghost (Immune)
Flying Fighting, Bug, Grass, Fairy Rock, Steel, Electric
Poison Grass, Fairy Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost

What Pokemon should I use against psychic?

Offensively, Ghost, Bug, and Dark moves get super effective damage on Psychic-types. Conversely, Steel, Dark, and opposing Psychic Pokemon resist Psychic attacks. First of all, the single best Pokemon at countering Psychic-types is Mega Gengar.

What is good against steel Pokemon?

Steel/Super effective against

Which Pokemon has most weakness?

10 Pokémon With The Most Type Weaknesses

  • 3 Solrock Is A Rock & Psychic Type.
  • 4 Cacturne Is A Grass & Dark Type.
  • 5 Shiftry Is A Grass & Dark Type.
  • 6 Celebi Is A Grass & Psychic Type.
  • 7 Exeggcute Is A Grass & Psychic Type.
  • 8 Tyranitar Is A Rock & Dark Type.
  • 9 Paras Is A Bug & Grass Type.
  • 10 Onix Is A Rock & Ground Type.
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Which Pokémon type has the least weaknesses Pokémon go?

10 Pokémon With The Fewest Type Weaknesses

  • 5 Scizor Is Weak To Fire Type Attacks.
  • 6 Swampert Is Weak To Grass Type Attacks.
  • 7 Skuntank Is Weak To Ground Type Attacks.
  • 8 Sableye Is Weak To Fairy Type Attacks.
  • 9 Snorlax Is Weak To Fighting Type Attacks.
  • 10 Pikachu Is Weak To Ground Type Attacks.

What is normal weak to?

For example, bug-type Pokémon are weak against fire-, flying-, and rock-type moves….Pokémon Go Type strengths and weaknesses.

Type Strong Against Weakness
Type Strong Against Weakness
Normal Fighting
Poison Fairy, Grass Ground, Psychic
Psychic Fighting, Poison Bug, Dark, Ghost