
What is the Princess name from Adventure Time?

What is the Princess name from Adventure Time?

Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum (also called Bonnie or PB, occasionally P-bubs), is a fictional character in the American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward.

Is Lumpy Space Princess a boy or girl?

Lumpy Space Princess (nickname: LSP) is the princess of Lumpy Space. She is the second most recurring princess after Princess Bubblegum….

Lumpy Space Princess
Name Lumpy Space Princess
Sex Female
Age 15
Species Lumpy Space Person

What is Lumpy Space Princess real name?

Pendleton WardAdventure Time
Lumpy Space Princess/Played by

What color is Lumpy Space Princess?

Appearance. Lumpy Space Princess looks like a purple cloud and speaks in a somewhat deep, nasal voice, like most Lumpy Space People. She has sharp teeth as well as a yellow star on her forehead that glows while she is floating.

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What gender is Gunter from Adventure Time?

In “Princess Potluck”, Lumpy Space Princess tells Gunter to “Get them buns on the dance floor, girl!” Indicating that Gunter is female.

Who is the purple cloud in Adventure Time?

Lumpy Space Princess
Lumpy Space Princess looks like a purple cloud and speaks in a somewhat deep, nasal voice, like most Lumpy Space People. She has sharp teeth as well as a yellow star on her forehead that glows while she is floating.

Who is the voice of Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time?

Hynden WalchAdventure Time
Rie TanakaAdventure TimeIsabella AcresAdventure Time
Princess Bubblegum/Voiced by

What are the names of the princesses in Adventure Time?

Princess Bubblegum (full name Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum, often called PB and, on occasion, Peebles) is a main character on the series Adventure Time that first appeared in the Animated Short .

Who are the main characters in Adventure Time?

The main characters in Adventure Time. In foreground: Jake and Finn. In background from left to right: Princess Bubblegum , Lady Rainicorn, and Ice King . Finn (voiced by Zack Shada in short, Jemery Shada in series) – A 16-year-old human boy who enjoys defeating evil forces and is skilled at multiple forms of combat.

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Who is the cast of Adventure Time?

The main cast of Adventure Time, drawn by former lead character designer Andy Ristaino. Top Row: Lumpy Space Princess, Lady Rainicorn, Gunter (the penguin) Second Row from Top: Marceline , Ice King , Princess Bubblegum , Lemongrab. Third Row from Top: Flame Princess, Finn the Human , BMO and the Snail, Peppermint Butler.