
What is the principle of pour plate method?

What is the principle of pour plate method?

Principle of Pour Plate Method In this Method, serial dilutions of the inoculum (serially diluting the primary specimen) are added within sterile Petri plates to which is poured melted and cooled (42-45°C) agar medium and completely mixed by revolving the plates which are then left to solidify.

What are the purposes of streaking and spreading plate methods?

Purpose of streaking To produce isolated colonies of an organism (mostly bacteria) on an agar plate. This is useful when we need to separate organisms in a mixed culture (to purify/isolate a particular strain from contaminants) or when we need to study the colony morphology of an organism.

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What is the spread plate and pour plate method?

Definition. Pour Plate: A plate prepared by mixing the inoculum with the cooled but still molten medium before pouring the latter into the Petri dish. Spread Plate: A technique used to count or isolate bacterial colonies on the surface of the agar.

What is the principle behind the streak plate method of isolating bacteria?

The technique is done by diluting a comparatively large concentration of bacteria to a smaller concentration. The decrease of bacteria should show that colonies are sufficiently spread apart to affect the separation of the different types of microbes.

What is the difference between streak method and pour plate method?

Streak plate refers to a rapid qualitative isolation method for obtaining discrete colonies from a mixed population while pour plate refers to the method of choice for counting the number of colony-forming bacteria present in a liquid specimen.

What is the difference between streak plate and spread plate technique?

The key difference between streak plate and spread plate is that the streak plate is used to isolate and purify a particular bacterial species from a mixture of bacteria while the spread plate is used to enumerate and quantify bacteria in a sample.

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What are the main differences between pour and spread plate methods?

The key difference between Pour plate and Spread plate is that a known volume of the sample is spread on the surface of the agar medium in spread plate, while, in pour plate, a known volume of the sample is mixed with agar and then poured into a plate.

What are the differences between spread plate and streak plate?