
What is the probability of getting 5 when throwing a fair dice?

What is the probability of getting 5 when throwing a fair dice?

Two (6-sided) dice roll probability table

Roll a… Probability
4 6/36 (16.667\%)
5 10/36 (27.778\%)
6 15/36 (41.667\%)
7 21/36 (58.333\%)

What is the probability of getting number 7 on rolling a fair dice?

Answer: If you do so you will find that the sum is 7 for 6 of the possible outcomes. Thus the sum is a 7 in 6 of the 36 outcomes and hence the probability of rolling a 7 is 6/36 = 1/6.

What is the probability of rolling a single die 5 times and getting exactly 3 sixes?

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Observe the following: So the probability that a die thrown 5 times will result in a 6 exactly 3 times is 0.03215.

What is the chance of rolling 6 on a 6 sided die 5 times in a row?

Because there are six different ways to get the same number on five rolls, multiply by 6 to get the probability of the same number on five successive rolls to be 6/7776 =1/1296.

What is the probability of getting a sum of 5 from two throws of a fair dice?

Each dice has six combinations which are independent. Therefore the number of possible outcomes will be 6*6 = 36. The probability of rolling a pair of dice whose numbers add to 5 is 4/36 = 1/9.

What is the probability of getting number 7?

A die only has dots or numbers from 1 to 6, i.e., 1,2,3,4,5,6. ∴ The probability of getting number 7 = 0.

What is the probability of not having 7 in dice?

The probability of not rolling a 7 on any one roll is 5/6.

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What is the probability that all five rolls are 2?

1 Expert Answer The probability of getting a two on the first roll AND the second roll is 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36. Continuing in this fashion, the probability of getting 5 twos is 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/7776.

What are the odds of rolling a 20 three times in a row?

20 two-roll outcomes consisting of two consecutive 20s followed by anything from 1 through 20, each with probability 18000 (1400 probability of rolling the two consectuive 20s, and each possible third roll has 120 of that probability).

What is the probability that the sum is 5?

To find the probability determine the number of successful outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes overall. Each dice has six combinations which are independent. Therefore the number of possible outcomes will be 6*6 = 36. The probability of rolling a pair of dice whose numbers add to 5 is 4/36 = 1/9.