
What is the purpose of negative keywords?

What is the purpose of negative keywords?

Negative keyword: Definition. A type of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. Your ads aren’t shown to anyone who is searching for that phrase. This is also known as a negative match.

What are examples of negative keywords?

For example, if you’re selling brand new ‘apple laptops’, you don’t want your ad to appear when someone searches for ‘refurbished apple laptops’, so ‘refurbished’ should be a negative keyword for your campaign.

What is a negative keyword report?

The search terms report can help you to get ideas for terms to add as negative keywords. The report shows actual terms that a significant number of people searched for and triggered your ad. Note: By default, negative keywords added to a Search campaign from the search terms report are added as negative exact match.

How do I choose negative keywords?

When selecting negative keywords for search campaigns, look for search terms that are similar to your keywords but might cater to customers searching for a different product. For example, let’s say that you’re an optometrist who sells glasses.

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How are Negative keywords different from other keywords?

Explanation: Negative keywords are different from other keywords because they prevent your ad from showing for search terms that you don’t want. For search campaigns, you can use broad, exact, or phrase match negative keywords. For Display and Video campaigns, negative keywords are always considered exact match.

How are negative keywords different from other keywords?

Should negative keywords be broad match?

Negative broad keywords won’t match on synonyms or similar words like they can for regular keywords. Negative keywords, even on broad match, won’t match on close variations or plurals. For single-word negative keywords, there is no difference between broad and phrase match.