
What is the purpose of protective custody in prisons?

What is the purpose of protective custody in prisons?

Protective custody (PC) is a type of imprisonment (or care) to protect a person from harm, either from outside sources or other prisoners. Many prison administrators believe the level of violence, or the underlying threat of violence within prisons, is a chief factor causing the need for PC units.

Is protective custody Bad?

Many new to the prison experience ponder simply going into protective custody rather than risking the potential conflicts inherent with placement in general population. Generally speaking this is a bad idea, at least as an initial prison placement. The life of the protective custody inmate is not pleasant.

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What is a sensitive needs yard in prison?

The Sensitive Needs Yard (SNY) is a place specifically for prisoners with sensitive needs based on situations that may have taken place on the active general population mainline.

What prisons in California are protective custody?

Institutions assigned to this mission include:

  • California City Correctional Facility.
  • California Correctional Institution.
  • California State Prison, Corcoran.
  • California State Prison, Los Angeles County.
  • California State Prison, Sacramento.
  • High Desert State Prison.
  • Kern Valley State Prison.
  • Pelican Bay State Prison.

What does a Level 5 prison mean?

5. Administrative. This special class of prison encompasses other types of institutions designed to house inmates with special considerations, such as those who are chronically ill, extremely dangerous or a high-escape risk.

What prisons in California have SNY yards?

In 2005, MCSP became the only California state prison exclusively for Sensitive Needs Yards (SNY) inmates. SNY inmates are segregated from the general prison population for their own safety.

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What is the lowest security prison?

Federal Prison Camps are the lowest security custodial prisons in the FBOP. They tend to house very low-level, nonviolent offenders (around 17 percent of the federal prison population).

Why do inmates ask to be put under protective custody?

It is a well-known fact that some inmates ask to be put under protective custody for questionable reasons: to kill another inmate who’s already under protection, or avoid an ongoing prison debt. Measures to keep the protectees safe from the prison’s general population are in place.

How to survive in prison or county jail if you are protective?

So the answer to the question “how to survive in prison or county jail if you are in protective custody?” is simple – pray. Pray to the good Lord Jesus Christ that if ever someone manages to get to you while in protective custody and take you out, that he forgives all your sins and take your soul with him up to heaven.

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What is the difference between solitary and protective custody?

In protective custody, you live a relatively normal prison life and don’t have the same level of isolation that you do in solitary. Protective custody is usually reserved for high profile inmates, law enforcement, rapists, child rapists – anyone another inmate might want to harm in general population.

What is the difference between segregation and protective custody?

On the other hand, an inmate is put under protective custody so that he is protected from the rest of the inmates in the prison. Statistically, the number of prisoners put under protective custody greatly outnumbers the people who are put under segregation.