
What is the radiation characteristics of a dipole antenna?

What is the radiation characteristics of a dipole antenna?

When mounted horizontally, the radiation peaks at right angles (90°) to the conductor, with nulls in the direction of the dipole. Neglecting electrical inefficiency, the antenna gain is equal to the directive gain, which is 1.5 (1.76 dBi) for a short dipole, increasing to 1.64 (2.15 dBi) for a half-wave dipole.

What is the range of frequency in which a dipole antenna operates?

Frequency range The range of frequency in which half-wave dipole operates is around 3KHz to 300GHz. This is mostly used in radio receivers.

What does dipole mean in antenna?

two poles
A dipole antenna is the simplest type of radio antenna, consisting of a conductive wire rod that is half the length of the maximum wavelength the antenna is to generate. This wire rod is split in the middle, and the two sections are separated by an insulator. Dipole means “two poles.”

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What is the polarization of a dipole antenna?

The full-wavelength dipole antenna is more directional than the shorter quarter-wavelength dipole antenna. When viewed in the x-y plane (for a dipole oriented along the z-axis), the E-field is in the -y direction, and consequently the dipole antenna is vertically polarized.

What is dipole radiation?

Dipole radiation It is an extension, or a more physical next-step, to spherical wave radiation. In particular, consider a harmonically oscillating electric dipole, with angular frequency ω and a dipole moment p0 along the ẑ direction of the form.

What is the radiation resistance of λ 2 dipole antenna?

λ/2 Dipole or Half-wave dipole: Length of dipole = λ/2. Directivity = 1.64 or 2.15 dBi. Impedance for half-wave dipole antenna in free space is 73 Ω

Why dipole antenna is called dipole?

A dipole antenna (also known as a doublet or dipole aerial) is defined as a type of RF (Radio Frequency) antenna, consisting of two conductive elements such as rods or wires. The dipole is any one of the varieties of antenna that produce a radiation pattern approximating that of an elementary electric dipole.

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What are the features of slot antenna?

A slot antenna consists of a metal surface, usually a flat plate, with one or more holes or slots cut out. When the plate is driven as an antenna by an applied radio frequency current, the slot radiates electromagnetic waves in a way similar to a dipole antenna.

Which type of antenna is dipole?

What dipole means?

Definition of dipole 1a : a pair of equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles of opposite sign separated especially by a small distance. b : a body or system (such as a molecule) having such charges or poles.

How do you determine the polarization of an antenna?

For most antennas it is very easy to determine the polarization. It is simply in the same plane as the elements of the antenna. So a vertical antenna (i.e. one with vertical elements) will receive vertically polarised signals best and similarly a horizontal antenna will receive horizontally polarised signals.