
What is the rank of Kannada language in India?

What is the rank of Kannada language in India?

As far as the world ranking of languages is concerned, Kannada stands 107th….It occupies the 10th place among Indian languages.

Language Spoken by (in millions) No. of Wikipedia pages
Bengali 210 40,261
Gujarati 50 26,044
Punjabi 100 20,564
Kannada 38 19,070

Which language came first Kannada or Tamil?

Kannada is one of the Dravidian languages but is younger than Tamil. The oldest Kannada inscription was discovered at the small community of Halmidi and dates to about 450 ce. The Kannada script is closely related to the Telugu script; both emerged from an Old Kannarese ( Karnataka ) script.

Which came first Hindi or Kannada?

Kannada literature is older than English and Hindi Kannada is the oldest language along with Prakrit, Sanskrit, and Tamil. Linguists are of the belief that Kannada branched off from the proto-Tamil South Dravidian division even before the Christian Era. This means it was spoken way before English and Hindi.

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Which is the best Indian language?

Top 10 Most Popular Indian Languages

  • Hindi. Hindi is officially the most popular language spoken across India.
  • Bengali. The second most widely spoken language after Hindi is none other than Bengali which is said to be spoken by approximately 8\% of the entire population.
  • Telugu.

What are the similarities between Kannada and Tamil?

Kannada and Tamil are among the 22 national languages listed in the Constitution of the Republic of India. They are similar languages and have descended from the Dravidian family of languages. Kannada. Kannada is a South Dravidian language which is spoken by people of the Karnataka state of the Republic of India.

What are the top 5 languages spoken in India after Hindi?

Examples of Hindi loanwords include avatar, bandanna, bungalow, guru, jungle, khaki, karma, loot, nirvana, pajamas, sorbet, shampoo, typhoon, and yoga. Here we list the top five spoken languages in India after Hindi. With the number of speakers second only to Hindi, the Bengali language is spoken in the states of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam.

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What is the origin of the Kannada alphabet?

Its alphabets are developed from the Kadamba and Chalukya scripts. These scripts are believed to be originated from the old Brahmi script. The Kannada language has resemblances to the Malayalam and Tamil language rather than Telugu in script and language.

Which is the most difficult Indian language to learn?

Arguably the most difficult living Indian language. Very few familiar words. Verb conjugation is a bit hard. Standard formal Tamil that you will learn in books is quite different from the spoken Tamil you will hear in movies. It can take quite some time to start understanding spoken Tamil.