
What is the ratio of the adiabatic to isothermal elasticities of a tri atomic gas?

What is the ratio of the adiabatic to isothermal elasticities of a tri atomic gas?

Ratio of adiabatic to isothermal elasticity γ = 4/3.

Which factor determine the difference between isothermal and adiabatic elasticity?

As per the thermodynamic terminology, in the adiabatic process, there is no exchange of heat from the system to its surroundings neither during expansion nor during compression. Whereas in the isothermal process, the temperature remains constant throughout the work.

What is the formula of adiabatic elasticity?

For such an adiabatic process, the modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) can be expressed as E = γP, where γ is the ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume (γ = CpCv ) and P is the pressure of the gas.

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What is the ratio of the adiabatic?

In thermal physics and thermodynamics, the heat capacity ratio, also known as the adiabatic index, the ratio of specific heats, or Laplace’s coefficient, is the ratio of the heat capacity at constant pressure (CP) to heat capacity at constant volume (CV).

What is the relation between adiabatic and isothermal process?

The most significant difference between adiabatic process and isothermal process is that in an adiabatic process there is no change in the heat of the system and there is no heat transfer while in an isothermal process in order to maintain a constant temperature of the system heat is transferred from and to the …

What is isothermal elasticity of gas at 1 atmosphere?

Isothermal elasticity Ki=P=1atm=1.013×105 N/m2.

What is meant by adiabatic compressibility?

The property of a substance capable of being reduced in volume by application of pressure; quantitively, the reciprocal of the bulk modulus.

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What is the isothermal elasticity of an ideal gas?

The isothermal elasticity of the gas is equal to its final pressure.

What is isothermal modulus of elasticity?

For an isothermal process of an ideal gas (x = 1), i.e. E = p or K = 1/p . The value of E for air quoted earlier is the isothermal bulk modulus of elasticity at normal atmospheric pressure and hence the value equals to the normal atmospheric pressure.