
What is the reaction between ferric chloride and phenol?

What is the reaction between ferric chloride and phenol?

Compounds with a phenol group will form a blue, violet, purple, green, or red-brown color upon addition of aqueous ferric chloride. This reaction can be used as a test for phenol groups.

Which Colour phenol shows in ferric chloride test?


Litmus test Phenol turns blue litmus paper red.
Ferric chloride test Violet or blue colouration shows presence of phenol.
Libermann’s test Deep blue colour solution shows presence of phenol.
Bromine water test Formation of white precipitate shows presence of phenol.

What happens when alcohol reacts with FeCl3?

The formation of a yellow precipitate in the test solution is taken as a positive reaction, and it means that the reactant alcohol was a secondary alcohol with a methyl group on the alcohol carbon. Phenols react with FeCl3 to form a colored complex with the Fe3+ ion.

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Does ferric chloride react with alcohols?

Iron(III) chloride, or ferric chloride, forms a brown complex when it’s dissolved in water. If you add a phenol to this solution, a purple iron(III)-phenol complex will form instead. This effect is not observed with non-aromatic or aliphatic alcohols.

What type of reaction is ferric chloride?

Iron(III) chloride is the inorganic compound with the formula ( FeCl 3). Also called ferric chloride, it is a common compound of iron in the +3 oxidation state. The anhydrous compound is a crystalline solid with a melting point of 307.6 °C….Iron(III) chloride.

Solubility in water 912 g/L ( anh. or hexahydrate, 25 °C)

How does a ferric chloride test work?

Ferric Chloride Test Step 1: Dissolve the sample in water plus ethanol. Step 2: Add drops of a dilute solution of ferric chloride (FeCl3). Step 3: If the sample turns to red, green, purple, or blue colouration then it indicates the presence of phenols.

Why do we always test for phenols after acid?

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Acidic solutions turn blue litmus paper into red and basic solutions turn red litmus paper into blue. Phenols are acidic in nature, so they show the litmus test. Here you need to keep in mind that carboxylic acids also give this test.

What is ferric chloride used to determine in the reaction of alcohols and phenols?

Ferric Chloride test: Alcohols are readily differentiated from phenols using this test. Addition of a drop or two of ferric chloride solution to a sample of phenol (3-4 drops) will produce a distinct violet/purple coloration. Phenols do not react under the reaction conditions of Lucas test and/or chromic acid test.

Is phenol an alcohol?

Publisher Summary. Phenols have unique properties and are not classified as alcohols. They have higher acidities due to the aromatic ring’s tight coupling with the oxygen and a relatively loose bond between the oxygen and hydrogen.

How ferric chloride is formed?

Chemical properties: ferric chloride is formed by the cation Fe+3, which a metal transition element with d-orbital available to accept electrons, thus the ferric chloride is a weak Lewis acid and it can be used as catalyst in organic synthesis.