
What is the relationship between archaeologists and historians?

What is the relationship between archaeologists and historians?

A historian is a person who studies history whereas an archaeologist is a person who studies archeology. They both study history, but through different perspectives; historians study history through documented evidence whereas archeologists study history through physical evidence.

What is the archaeological evidence archaeologists look for?

A team of archaeologists will walk in straight lines back and forth across the study area. As they walk, they look for evidence of past human activity, including walls or foundations, artifacts, or color changes in the soil that may indicate features.

Why is archaeology so important to historians?

Archaeology provides us with the opportunity to learn about past cultures through the study of artifacts, animal bones and sometimes human bones. Studying these artifacts helps to provide us with some insight about what life was like for people who left behind no written record.

How are historians and archaeologists alike?

Thus, archaeologist and historian, both have a common interest to comprehend human diversity. An archaeologist deals with the field work that might consist of digging and restoring artifacts, or human-made objects, from ancient ruins. … A historian uses sources of evidence to find out about the past.

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How do historians and archaeologists study history?

They use sources and evidence to learn the past. Archeologist learn about the past by studying artefacts and historians find out about the past by studying written sources which are written by people living in the past.

How do archaeologists and paleontologists work together?

A Paleontologist studies fossils while an archaeologist studies human artifacts and its remains. The paleontologist studies these items to try to understand the forms of life that existed on Earth thousands or millions of years ago. An archaeologist studies the same items to try to understand human life and history.

Where do archaeologists do their research?

Archaeological Sites They may include villages or cities, stone quarries, rock art, ancient cemeteries, campsites, and megalithic stone monuments. A site can be as small as a pile of chipped stone tools left by a prehistoric hunter.

Is a paleontologist and archaeologist?

How are archaeology and archaeologists alike?

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History and archaeology both study ancient people and things. Archaeologists excavate artifacts that both the archaeologists and historians study. …