
What is the strongest predictor of life expectancy?

What is the strongest predictor of life expectancy?

A follow-up study of 864 aged persons found that physical mobility, education, occupation, and continued employment were all significant predictors of longevity. Mobility was the single strongest predictor, but the three socioeconomic variables accounted for two-thirds of the explained variance in longevity.

What is the best indicator of how long you will live?

We often talk about the more common indicators of life expectancy – gender, height/weight, tobacco use, your health, and family history. These are somewhat obvious. If you smoke a pack a day, chances are you aren’t going to live as long as your neighbor who’s never touched a cigarette.

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What determines your life expectancy?

The duration of human life (longevity) is influenced by genetics, the environment, and lifestyle.

Which is one of the most significant predictors of a healthy old age?

Parental longevity is one of the most important predictors of survival to age 100 for both men and women.

Which two lifestyle factors are the most important causes of preventable mortality in the US?

These findings indicate that smoking and high blood pressure are responsible for the largest number of preventable deaths in the US, but that several other modifiable risk factors also cause many deaths.

Why is life expectancy an important indicator?

It is a measure that summarizes the mortality of a country, allowing us to compare it by generations and analyze trends. Its interpretation and meaning is even richer and can provide us with key information on the level of development of a country’s welfare state.

What is the biggest factor in life expectancy?

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Significant factors in life expectancy include gender, genetics, access to health care, hygiene, diet and nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and crime rates. Evidence-based studies indicate that longevity is based on two major factors, genetics and lifestyle choices.

What factors predict a high quality of life for seniors?

Emotional well-being (eg, happiness, absence of anxiety) Physical and cognitive functional status (eg, capacity to do activities of daily living and higher-order functions, such as pleasurable activities) Quality of close interpersonal relationships (eg, with family members, friends)