
What is the syllabus of NTPC CBT 2 exam?

What is the syllabus of NTPC CBT 2 exam?

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2021 CBT II

Sections No. of Questions Duration
Mathematics 35 90 minutes
General Awareness 50
Total 120

What is CBT in RRB NTPC?

The second computer-based test (CBT) of the RRB NTPC recruitment is scheduled on February 14-18, the railway recruitment boards (RRBs) said on Sunday. The exam schedule is subject to the government rules issued in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the pattern of RRB NTPC 2nd Stage CBT exam 2020?

RRB NTPC 2nd Stage CBT Exam Pattern 2020 The candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:20 times the vacancies of the category. The shortlisting is based on the performance of the candidates in the 1st stage of the CBT exam. The Total questions asked in the RRB NTPC 2nd Stage CBT Exam are 120.

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What is the standard of RRB NTPC syllabus?

The standard of RRB NTPC syllabus has been formulated keeping in mind the nature of the job profile and is basically based on Class 10, 12, and graduation levels. Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) are conducting RRB NTPC exam for the posts of Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). A total of 35,208 vacancies were announced for the exam.

Is the RRB NTPC exam pattern a Grace Mark?

A. No. Normalization process followed by RRBs is a scientific and statistical process. It is not a process of awarding grace marks. Now you have a clear knowledge of the RRB NTPC exam pattern. We hope you make a great preparation and score well in the upcoming exam.

What is the syllabus for CBAT NTPC?

RRB NTPC syllabus for CBAT comprises Intelligence Test, Spatial Scanning Test, Information Ordering Test and Personality Test. The details of each test are given below. Intelligence Test: In this test, each problem consists of five figures, four of which are similar in a certain way and one is different.