
What is the synonym sin?

What is the synonym sin?

wickedness, wrongdoing, wrong, evil, evil-doing, sinfulness, ungodliness, unrighteousness, immorality, vice, transgression, crime, error, iniquity, irreligiousness, irreverence, profanity, blasphemy, impiety, impiousness, sacrilege, profanation, desecration.

What is the English word for antonym?

Definition of antonym : a word of opposite meaning The usual antonym of good is bad. Other Words from antonym Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About antonym.

What is the opposite of antonym in English?

A synonym is basically the opposite of an antonym. It is a word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word.

Whats the opposite of a sinner?

Opposite of an unkind, evil or unscrupulous person. hero. heroine. saviorUS.

What is the true meaning of sin?

1a : an offense against religious or moral law. b : an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible it’s a sin to waste food. c : an often serious shortcoming : fault.

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How do you find an antonym?

An antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another word. Antonyms can be of any part of speech. However, the words have to be of the same part of speech in order to be antonyms of each other.

What is antonym example?

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For example, good and bad. Synonyms are words with similar meanings. For example, tiny & small.

What is the original meaning of the word sin?

original sin. noun. 1 : the state of sin that according to Christian theology characterizes all human beings as a result of Adam’s fall. 2 : a wrong of great magnitude the original sin of slavery.

What is the word for the opposite of sin?

A single word meaning the opposite of sin may be used in noun form or as a verb to denote the opposite state or act of sin. The most specific antonym of sin is the noun godliness. As a verb, obey is probably the most accurate antonym of sin, but this word used by itself lacks association with anything specific, as one could “obey the law of sin”.

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Is sin opposite over hypotenuse?

Sin is defined to be opposite over hypotenuse. Sine is only a particular type of ratio for an angle. On the unit circle, if you have a 30,60,90 triangle , and the terminal side of the angle was at 30°, the hypotenuse would have a value of 2x and the opposite side with a value of x.

What is the opposite to sin?

Sin has a story, so does the opposite of sin. A group of religious (presumably) men brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus. The crowd intended to carry out the Mosaic law , bringing the punishment of death upon this woman. Possibly the man she had been with had escaped the mob.