
What is the volume of a gas equal to?

What is the volume of a gas equal to?

At constant temperature and pressure the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas. At constant temperature and volume the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas. Or you could think about the problem a bit and use PV=nRT.

Is the volume of a gas greater than the volume of the container?

In contrast, the molecules of a real gas have small but measurable volumes. As a result, the volume occupied by the molecules becomes significant compared with the volume of the container. Consequently, the total volume occupied by the gas is greater than the volume predicted by the ideal gas law.

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Does gas volume change with container?

If the amount of gas in a container is increased, the volume increases. If the amount of gas in a container is decreased, the volume decreases. This is assuming of course that the container has expandible walls.

Why is the volume of a gas greater?

There are more collisions per unit time and so the pressure is higher for a given density and temperature. You have it backwards. A real gas occupies more volume than an ideal gas at high pressure. This is because the ideal gas law assumes the masses are points that take up no volume.

Is volume of real gas less than ideal gas?

The kinetic theory assumes that gas particles occupy a negligible fraction of the total volume of the gas. As a result, real gases are not as compressible at high pressures as an ideal gas. The volume of a real gas is therefore larger than expected from the ideal gas equation at high pressures.

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Why can the volume of a gas change?

Gases can change volume to fit the container in which it is placed. This is because particles of a gas have very little attraction between themselves, so each particle more or less travels on its own accord until it bumps against something.

Why does gas not have volume?

Solution : Gases do not have a definite shape or volume because the molecules in gases are very loosely packed, they have large intermolecular spaces and hence they move around. The force of attraction between molecules is also very less, as a result gases acquire any shape or any volume.

Why do gases have a volume?

Gases don’t have a fixed shape or a fixed volume. The particles move around all the time and spread out. This is why a gas fills its container. A gas can be compressed into a very small space – this pushes the particles closer together.

Why is the volume available to a real gas less than the volume of its container?

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(c) The volume of gas molecules is negligible as compared to the volume of its container. It is because the gas consists of tiny particles which are far apart from each other. There are a lot of empty spaces between gas molecules.